Ch. viii- A Message From The King

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(A/n): Imagine a Hamilton AU where everything is the same except the lyric "A message from the King" Is replaced with "A word from our sponsors."

Anyways, I know I haven't updated this in a REALLY long time. Tbh, I have kind of been on a writing hiatus since the publishing of the last chapter, because I felt really uninspired by this work. I had a terrible bout of writer's block and felt like I couldn't write nearly anything decent enough to publish. In addition, my interest in Hamilton faded for a long time and I couldn't find it in me to keep writing for it.

However!!!!! I have a new phone now, and *finally* have an idea of where I want this fic to go, and because of some recent comments I've gotten the motivation to continue the fic after a long time of not updating. (Seriously, y'all's comments are like literal fuel. If writing was a fire, comments are like gasoline. I appreciate them all so much, even if it's just a simple message or emoticon or something!). Anyways, that's enough of an A/N, so on with the latest chapter!!


Chaos was stirred again later in the afternoon when you were woken up to the sounds of a scuffle upstairs (and surprisingly high-pitched screaming. You never thought any of the boys could sound so much like a girl when screeching.) You sat up in your chair and looked around, disoriented after your accidental afternoon nap at the kitchen table. Pain ached in your back as you sat up after sitting in the odd position for so long. 

Another loud screech made you jump to your feet. You almost lost your balance, a pins and needles sensation prickling all throughout your legs after blood had rushed back into them. You half-ran-half-stumbled up the stairs as quickly as you could, muttering 'ow' to yourself repeatedly as the sensation worsened from your movement. 

You eventually got to the boy's door and flung it open, all movement inside seizing at your arrival. The room and everyone in it was dead silent as you took in the sight in front of you. 

Several of the men were exchanging worried glances, some were slightly red with embarrassment, and some were just staring at you in shock. Mainly two of them were staring at you in shock. A certain two who you've never seen before. 

Lafayette, who you'd vaguely heard shouting something along the lines of "Vive la revolution!!" and "no taxation without representation!!" tried to explain what was going on, but you just shushed him and pinched the bridge of your nose. You glanced to the taller of the new pair, who was standing straight and eyeing you uncomfortably. You slowly stalked to the center of the room, picking up a shining crown that had been discarded to the floor. 

"Let me guess. King George the Third of the United Kingdom?" You asked, handing the man his crown. He searched your face with his gaze for a few moments before hesitantly taking his crown. 

He placed and adjusted the crown on his head as he spoke, "Yes, that is me. Who are you? And why are you dressed in such clothing? You should be ashamed." He glanced at Alexander, "Though I suppose I can forgive you for calling off your crazy boyfriend. Seriously, what's his deal?" He spoke, before realizing the 8 hot glares upon him. He looked around the room in confusion, "What? Was it something I said?"

You sensed the boys about to start shouting again , so you raised a hand to silence them again. You glared at the King as you spoke, "You'd better watch your mouth while you're living under my roof. I've got 8 revolutionaries that will jack your shit if you so much as breathe wrong." You pointed around the room, before realizing Washington wasn't in the room. Where had he gone?

"Nonetheless, I am willing to help you, and..." You glanced to the other boy who had appeared, who had been glancing at you and everyone else around the room, "Oh my god, i'm so sorry! I've been totally ignoring you, haven't I?"

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