we all go back and forth until it was my turn and i didn't really know how to play.

"need help?" anthony asks.

"yeah. i'd like to learn from a pro"

he got three balls in a row.

he stood behind me and held onto my hands to show me how to properly hold a cue.

"aim, and then push"

with anthony's help, i got two in.

"that's cheating!" jackson calls as we laugh.

"is not!"

we finish the game and decide to meet up in the theatre room with everyone else to watch a movie. syd, benji and jorge go into the kitchen and make lots of popcorn for everyone to share.

anthony and i sat right at the back of the room, away from everyone else. he had his arms wrapped around me while we both ate popcorn, it was the comfiest i've felt in a long time.

anthony then felt like this was a good time to make a tiktok. he threw popcorn at me as i looked up at him and laughed. he threw popcorn on everyone, everyone giving their own reactions which was hilarious.

he posts it and people notice that anthony and i were away from everyone else. there were so many comments 'shipping us' and asking if we were together or not. honestly i have no clue on what me and anthony are right now.

it's complicated.

"you tryna go back to my room?" anthony asked with a wink as i jokingly shoved him away.
"not like that, i was kidding! just so we can talk, you know?"

"yeah, let's go"

we quietly left the theatre room and made our way into my room.

"you wanna sleep next to me again?" i ask as he nods. "what are you gonna do when you get back?"

"hannah said she could convince her dad to be my lawyer, free of charge. i'm gonna take my dad to court"

"do you want him to go to jail?"

"honestly, no. he's my dad. do you?"

"it's not my place to say"

"yeah, it is"

"in that case, i do. i really do. when i get back home i'm gonna be so worried about you"

"i know. actually hails, i don't really want to talk about this right now"

"i'm sorry"

"it's okay"

we began to chat and got to know each other much more, it felt so good to have my friend back. after a while of talking, we both got up to do our night time routines. i finished before him and got into bed.

as i was about to fall asleep, i hear my door close and see anthony coming towards the bed.

i rub my eyes and smile as i sit up and turn on the lamp next to me.

puppet (remastered) • @mmkay_mayaWhere stories live. Discover now