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Dear Eddie, 

The reason why I need to go to a shrink is the silliest of the reasons: Aparently I sufer the bullying thing.

That's not true.

Let me tell you how the whole thing started: There's this boy in my class, Theo, and he was bothering me one morning because he has nothing better to do. He was picking on my sweater, which I'm aware it's way too big for me, but I simply don't care. The fact is that Kurt went mad and started punching Theo out of nowhere. It was quite an interesting scene actually.

(I'll explain who's Kurt in a moment)

But we were in school and the teacher ended up sending us all to the principal's office. And when I tried to tell him Kurt was only trying to defend me, he said we needed to control ourselves and that punching peole wouldn't solve things. That's a lie, Theo never even looked at me again after that. That doesn't seem to matter though, cause the principal told me that I needed help to deal with my problems in school.

So he called my mom. 

Of course she freaked out, as if she cared, and went looking for a shrink. She's been looking at me in a weird way since then. Kurt had two days out of school as a punishment and Theo... Well, he fooled the principal well enough.

So yeah, I see a shrink because Theo and the principal are idiots.

Anywaaaaaaaaay, I'll explain who Kurt is. I think he'll probably be an important character in our talks, Eddie.

His name is Kurt Robert Evans (what an artistic name, right?) He's 17 years old, just an year older than me. We were about nine and ten when we met, that's when we became friends. Best friends actually. He's blond and has blue eyes, like really blue (how cheesy is that?) He's quite taller than me, what's not surprising considering that I'm pretty short. Kurt also does the cool and popular kinda boy, only he's not popular, at all. What I mean by that is that he does all the shit those popular kids do: smokes, rides his skateboard, surfs and well, is reaaaaally good looking.

Alright, since I'm talking about Kurt, let me tell you about my other friends as well:

Heather has black and long hair, same for her eyes (they're not long, that's not even possible I guess, they're just black as well). She has darkish skin and it's a few inches taller than me, a bit chubby and with a great smile. Her thing is drawing, she loves it and does it very well. 

Then we have Liah. Long and light brown hair with dark eyes, chubby and round face but really skinny and tall. She's sweet and loveeeees to get beautifully dressed even if she's just going to the market. She dates Lance, who's not one of my best friends or anything, but he's quite fun and we get along pretty well. He has dark hair and eyes and his pale skin makes him look like a fucking ghost sometimes. They are a really nice couple.

There's also Mary Jane. She has blue eyes and light brown short hair (that she likes to call dark blonde), and is quite small (her hands and feet are creepyly small). We often call her Virgin Mary, not cause she's a virgin (cause she isn't), but because she's the most innocent girl ever borned in New York, so we like to mess with her sometimes. She lives in her own fairy tale.

Hmm... who else?

Oh, I forgot about Gus.There's not much to say about him though. He's blond, light brown eyes, really skinny and quite tall. He's the player. He's always trying to hook up with someone, female or male, doesn't matter to him as long as the person has a hole where he can put his dick in. Yes, he's like that. Being the oposite of Mary Jane, Gus is probably the one with the dirtiest mind of all of us, what can be nice and fun and even turning on sometimes, but it can also make him act like a complete idiot in others.

But yeah, these are my friends. And I love them more than anything in the world. 

Ugh, I know I should be like, telling you what happened in my day and shit (after all you are a diary), but I think it'd be awkward if I just started writing about my life without a proper introduction, you know?

Of course you don't, you're a freaking notebook.

I wish you could talk though, so you could tell me what you thought of my friends. We're quite an interesting group, aren't we, Eddie?

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