~•4•~ The Guardian

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"It's a monster..."

Evan quickly jumped up and rushed everyone to head to their rooms. They complied without hesitation seeing as their usually composed friend was actually panicking.

"We shouldn't split up. Let's all go to Evan's room and stay there until it's gone." Luke said as they quietly made their way to Evan's room. Everyone nodded, Evan glancing back occasionally to see if it was following them. As soon as the door was locked and everyone was safely inside, they all let out a shaky breath of relief.

"How would we know if it's gone? It's not like we can send someone out there to check it out. That's just plain stupidity at its finest." Brock said as he looked around the room.

"Evan can see ghosts, I bet he can talk to them. How about it? Are there any ghosts around that you can talk to?" Anthony asked looking at the raven head expectedly. Evan sighed as shook his head.

"Just because I can see them doesn't mean I can talk to them. It's not like I can just talk to them out of nowhere and not look crazy. Plus, ghosts don't usually approach people let alone someone who can see them."

"Could you at least try? Like that ghost Tyler told you about at your apartment? Or the man in the blue hoodie that I saw earlier?" Brock asked as Evan's will wavered. He glanced at the others to see them all giving him a pleading look. He sighed again before looking out the window down at the empty backyard.

"If you're here uhh... Delirious. Can you help us with the monster?" Evan asked looking around the backyard and his room. When no one answered he frowned and shook his head at his friends.

"It was worth a shot." Brian said patting Evan on the back. Evan was about to say something when all the lights turned off. The group huddled together and looked around in caution. The door handle jiggled slightly, the sound of the lock being picked resounded throughout the room. They all held their breaths as the door opened.

There were multiple of them. 3 to be exact. Disfigured bodies with limbs bent at awkward positions. They had no eyes. Just a mouth with sharp teeth similar to how a shark's mouth appeared. They entered the room one by one, seemingly sniffing the area and trying to locate them. As they got closer to the group, they started to growl. Evan used his hand to cover up his breathing, but as one of the monsters had gotten up close to him, lightning lit up the room.

The monster roared as it grabbed the screaming Evan by his leg, pulling him forward and out of the group. The other two monsters heard their third and also advanced on Evan. Tyler and Luke grabbed Evan's arms and tried pulling him back, but Evan slipped out of their hold and dragged to the door. The other two monster grabbed him by his arms restraining him. All together they lifted him up and carried him out of the room, his screams of fear echoing down the hall.

The group snapped out of their scared daze and rushed to follow the monsters and friend. They followed until they reached the backyard where the monsters took Evan into the dark forest, his pleading eyes looking back at them in fear.

A moment of silence filled with the pouring rain passed by.

"What the hell are we doing?! We have to go after them and save Evan!" Brock yelled as he surged forward only to be halted by Brian.

"We can't go in there without knowing where the hell we need to go! Do you really want to get lost in the forest with no help for miles? If we go missing, then who will help Evan?"

"Goddammit!" Brock screamed in frustration. He turned towards the forest and glared.

"Delirious! I swear to God if Evan dies, I'll make sure your next life is a living hell! Live up to your word and save him! Bring him back!"

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