~•1•~ The Squad

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"I'm borrrrred!" A man with a red hoodie said as his partners rolled their eyes.

"This is what happens when you decide to do a job in which people don't believe in, Luke." Another man said wearing a panda hoodie. The last man laughed at Luke's reaction to what the other said.

"Oh, come on! Not you too Brian!"

"What Anthony says is true though. You have to admit it." Said the newest person in the room.

"When did you get here, Brock?" Brian asked as the colorful man placed down a tray with four cups.

"Just now. I decided to come over after school today because I heard a pretty weird story from my friend. You remember Evan, right?"

"Yeah! It's that nerdy, buff, and nice Asian dude, right?" Anthony asked. Luke nodded as he recognized the description. Evan had come in one day with Brock and hung out with them for the day. Every once in awhile he would come back bringing food or some kind of story to them.

"Yeah. There's a rumor going around that he's being haunted. My friend Tyler told me this morning since he had a sleepover at Evan's place.

"Really!? What happened?" Luke asked getting excited at the chance of a new job.

"He said that he kept seeing a shadow of a person standing in the corner of whatever room they were in. Then he said that every time Evan looked in the shadow's general direction, it would disappear and appear in a different corner where Evan wasn't looking."

"A shadow person? We haven't had that kind in a while now..." Brian whispered as he listened intently to the story.

"That's not all either. Apparently, Evan tried to cook food that night. He got a phone call and forgot to turn off the stove when he went to pick it up. Tyler saw the knob of the stove turn itself off. Tyler didn't think too much of it until he saw different food items being put into the pot that was still on the stove. Right as Evan returned, the stove turned on again and the pot had been stirred. He said that Evan didn't even notice any of it."

"Sounds like this ghost is pretty friendly since it helped make food?" Anthony questioned unsure of what to describe the ghost as so far. Brock shook his head before going on.

"It wasn't until they were sitting on the couch watching movies that things started to get weird. Ironic that they were watching a ghost movie and all that. Evan was falling asleep because as Tyler quotes 'It was so effing boring' when the shadow figure before appeared behind him. Tyler freaked out and threw a pillow at it only for the pillow to hit Evan. Evan was confused before throwing the pillow back at him and yawning. He got himself comfortable before falling asleep. Then that's when it happened. Tyler swears that if he ever came over again that he would record it and show Evan he wasn't delusional.

The shadow appeared next to Evan and picked him up. Pillow and blanket too. It looked at Tyler before heading to Evan's bedroom where the door locked after it closed. Tyler felt offended that it locked the door, but decided to sleep it off. The next morning he found himself covered in a blanket and laying on a pillow in a makeshift bed on the ground instead of the couch."

"It seems as though we have a friendly ghost. What's the problem?" Luke asked.

"Evan told us that he and his parents were going on a winter trip to their old summer house this year. Evan also told us a story about when he was 5 when he lived in the manor. He said he couldn't remember it well, but he had gotten lost in the forest and was apparently missing for a few days. He was taken back by a man and woke up in his bed. His parents, on the other hand, said that he was missing for three days and appeared out of nowhere from the stairs. They were also adamant that there couldn't have been anyone else around since they lived in the middle of nowhere."

"That's true... Why would someone just appear in the middle of a forest to help a child home? Unless..." Brian trailed off looking at everyone else in the room.

"It wasn't a person."

A moment of silence passed before Brock's phone started to ring. He picked it up and glanced at the other three before answering.

"Hey, Evan! What's going on, bud?" He said putting the phone call on speaker.

"Hey, Brock! I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me on my winter trip. I already asked Tyler and his parents agreed to let him go. So, how about it?" Evan asked.

"Uh, let me check in with my parents real quick... Oh! They said that I could go if I really wanted to. So I guess that means I'm going."

"That's great! Pack enough stuff for 2 weeks. We're going to have a great time!"

"Ah wait, Evan-"


"Do you mind if Luke, Brian, and Anthony come with us?"

"...I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind, but... Is it because of what I told you what happened when I was 5?"

"Well, that and because they wanted to spend time out of the city. They haven't gotten many jobs after all..."

"Uhhh... Let me ask real quick." A moment of silence passed as the four waited. "They said they can come. Tell them to pack for 2 weeks!"

"Alright, Evan. See you tomorrow." The call cut off as Brock hung up. He looked at the other three and smiled.

"Ready to figure this mystery out?" The other three smiled and they all put their hands together before raising them and cheering.

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