What's there

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Leta, Queenie and Jacob hadn't gone home yet.

Nick seemed thoroughly surprised when he had popped round a while ago and seen them still waiting, but quickly brushed it off and reported that the surgery went excellent and Newt would regain consciousness within a couple of hours.

He added that Dr Mallord had given Newt a needle that would numb his leg and help the healing process quicken, without reaching a dangerous speed. Side effects were expected, but he assured that it was for the best.

He also, on Mallord's behalf, said that letting Newt leave the hospital earlier than planned was a terrible move on their part, apologised, then chewed them out for not coming back for check-ups more regularly.

After sneaking Queenie three vouchers for free coffee from the cafe downstairs, Nick left the ward, winking over his shoulder.

Since then, Jacob had taken to pacing up and down the room, Queenie had already used one of the vouchers and was trying to conserve the rest, and Leta was almost asleep on the armchair next to the bed.

Every once in a while, Newt's eyes fluttered, but stayed regrettably closed.

The afternoon sun casted a golden glow which flooded through the room, illuminating the entire area and casting long shadows behind articles of furniture.

Occasionally, the quiet hooting of the hospital's tawny owls rang through the door as they glided past outside, delivering letters. More often than that, swift footsteps quietly pattered down the corridors, sometimes accompanied by the squeaking of wheels.

Other than that, the room was eerily quiet, bar the heart rate machine, of course. Or at least, until Jacob heard someone groan weakly from behind him.

He whirled around, mid-step, so fast that his neck cricked. Queenie and Leta both glanced up in sync.

"Newt!" gasped Leta, already on her feet. The girls hovered around the left hand side of the bed, trying to give Newt some personal space, but at the same time, too excited at the moment to really care about personal space.

Jacob grinned, moving to join them. Elation zipped through his veins at seeing his friend finally conscious again, even if he looked slightly paler than before.

He looks a bit peaky, doesn't he?

Queenie glanced to her right, not exactly wanting to give an answer for fear of making Newt feel worse- Jacob looked back. She eventually decided on the non-commitment response of, "Mmm."

"Newt?" prodded Leta finally. He actually seemed to hear her this time, blue-green eyes flicking up to meet hers.

Jacob was right.

Newt did look peaky.

The three of them stood uncertainly next to the bed, unsure of what to do as his eyes scanned the room, assessing...

"How long was I out?" Newt rasped eventually, barely more than a whisper.

All three of their expressions melted into a smile- Leta and Jacob swapped joyful glances. Newt could've sworn he heard Queenie let slip a soft giggle. Though her smile faded ever so slightly when she responded.

"Almost seven hours," Queenie answered, sinking back into her chair.

"Seven hours..." breathed Newt, disbelieving and frowning. He tried to do the math in his head, but his brain felt stretched and worn from every angle, like a rubber band too loose to use.

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