The latter had put up a bit of a defensive gesture from the sword hero's reassurance. A flustered kind of defence, "Ju-just don't say does kinds of things anymore. It's bad omen."

"Okay, okay-"

"So! Are you two done bonding or what?" Came the loud interruption, making them turn towards the source. Itsuki shot the womaniser an offending glare as he came in unannounced, 'Damnit Motoyasu!' . Ren calmly walked over to said blonde and ask about any progress on their search. Unfortunately, what the mages had sensed was the last trace they had. If they want to find anymore clues, it's best to move.

The sun had set awhile ago, inky night covered every surface unsetteried by light. "It's now or never. Raphtalia-chan, Filo-chan are waiting by the halls. Let's go." Motoyasu turned towards the exit and the other two followed.

"Onee-san, we'll find Master soon. Right?" Filo was becoming restless while waiting in the halls with Raphtalia. 'What was taking spear guy so long?!'

"Of course we will, Naofumi, just wait for us. We're coming!"

Beyond their sight and vision, a certain redhead had her own plans to ensure their failure were locked and keyed. So focus with finding Naofumi, that damned shield devil, they forgot the thorn on their side. "Now, how should I make you suffer this time, Naofumi~?".


'What the hell?'

Falling, he remembered how gravity took its course and pushed him into the raw surface of the sea. Water covered everything and eventually his own vision blurred. He recalled, chocking on the salty water that entered his channels then he blacked out. However, this time, he was fully aware that he was still falling just slowly this time and he was not in mid air. Rather, it was more suited to be called drowning but he didn't taste anything nor feel anything wet on his skin. Eventually, he laid on what it seemed like the surface of the sea. And everything was cold.

'Was anybody there?'

'Would someone one day find him here?'

'Will he be able to save himself this time?'

'I'm tired,' he thought but despite this icy coldness, it wasn't half bad, whatever this place was it had quite a view down below. The aqua around, reminded him of an aquarium he once visited with his younger brother. "Say Nii-san, this kinda reminds me of that anime, Princess Jellyfish."

Right, that romcom that's been airing recently. It was entertaining, Naofumi admitted, unfortunately it didn't fit his taste of genre. But since his brother enjoyed it, they might as well binge it together when they get back. "Don't you have a quiz tomorrow?" He nudged the blonde's side, in a teasing tone he reminded the star student of his responsibilities.

"Screw the quiz! Let's just binge it."

'Whatever you say, you brainiac'

What a memory, was he dying? He missed the times he had with his brother. Somedays, he wants to see his parents again but... there was no way he will now, right? However, the real question was; was this really what death felt like? So calm, so cold, so alone-


"Naofumi! Damn it, take cover, Therese!" Close, that voice was too close and-

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