Part 1 - Behind the fame

Start from the beginning

Her relationship with world famous heart-throb Dexter Rose had just gone public, not by choice, but thanks to the paparazzi! Millie knew she was hated by most of the girls that surrounded her! It came with the territory of dating him. If only the crowd around her knew who she was. With her long dark hair scraped back in a ponytail, her face covered mostly by a baseball cap pulled down as low as she could get away with and a large pair of face hugging sunglasses she hoped no one would recognize her. In reality the fact that she was trying to hide just drew more attention to her not least for the fact that Dex appeared to be singing directly to her half the time!
She began to notice heads turning towards her, she wished he'd stop! He knew full well how nervous his fans made her feel. She wanted nothing more than to blend into the background!

Trying to pretend not to notice people staring at her, she could see them looking out of the corner of her eye, she kept her eyes fixed firmly on the stage ahead.
"Woah! Who's the bass player Mil's?!" Asked Amber, temporarily distracting her from her surroundings as he made his way to the front of the stage for a guitar solo.
"Don't say my name!" Millie whispered, in a whisper so loud to be heard over the music that it wasn't worth whispering!
Amber shot her an apologetic look
"Jesse Hendry" replied Millie
"Why have you never brought him home for a sleepover?" Joked Amber
"Single?" she asked, with a cheeky smile
"Afraid not babe" replied Millie
"Dammit" said Amber, playfully

Millie looked up at Jesse, there was something about him on stage, he came alive, his confident stage presence was really attractive but she had always been so wrapped up in Dex she'd never really took the time to notice. She'd never got to know him well, he was quiet, almost mysterious, he seemed to open up more when he was just with the guys but when Millie was around he always seemed moody and anti-social, she'd never really taken to him. She could never tell if he had some issues or if he was just an ignorant dick!

Approaching the end of the show Millie began to relax a little, hopeful that by this point in the show she wouldn't be recognised or if she was, at least it was going to be over soon and she could retreat to the safety of backstage.

Dex moved to the front of the stage, hot and dripping with sweat from head to toe he pulled his sweater up over his head, his T-shirt rose beneath revealing his tanned, toned stomach sending the crowd into a frenzy. Millie winced at the level of noise. Her eyes squeezed tightly shut she smiled to herself. She knew he was gorgeous but this was nuts.

He smiled at Millie, raising his eyebrows in a sarcastic 'look how popular I am' way. She knew it was also his way of reassuring her 'I'm yours' but he didn't need to, she was ok with it, she had already come to realise what came with dating a celebrity.

"So our... last song..guys" said Dex trying to catch his breath between his words, he wiped his long, dark fringe from his sweaty forehead holding it back as he took a deep breath to calm himself enough to speak, he was exhausted after over an hour of singing at the top of his lungs and jumping around the stage with boundless energy he couldn't wait to get off the stage and collapse somewhere, he was in his 30's and wasn't cut out for it anymore he'd been at this for years and every year seemed to take more and more out of him but he was determined to make the most of it, knowing it wasn't something that was going to last forever.

''You guys have been awesome, we'll be back sometime ....... sometime ...soon" he said with a smile, leaning over his microphone stand he gasped for breath, as the crowd erupted once again into a chorus of deafening screams. He quickly glanced down at Millie for a second, he felt uneasy that she was down amongst the crowd, he knew how crazy some fans could be, jealousy does scary things to people, in particular to hormonal adolescents! He couldn't wait to get the show over with and get her out of there.

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