Time to go Home

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"Tyler.."  I whisper, as though I don't want anyone to hear me.

I sit up and look down the isle but I don't see him. "Tyler?" I call out loud enough that he would hear if he was on the plane. I hear, nothing. There is just silence. I look around and I'm still the only passenger on the plane. "Is there something I can get for you, Miss?" I look at her and just shake my head and sit back in my seat. She returns to the front of the plane and I turn on my phone. I have a text. I open it to read,

sis - So where are you running now sis?

me - home.

sis - What about your boytoy?

me - he is staying here.

sis - what happened?

me - don't fucking pretend like you give a fuck

sis - you're still mad i take it.

me - yes i am. you fucking took dad's side and made me choose between you and mom.

sis - okay y/n that was so long ago. i was so young. you fail to remember that.

me - yes but it didn't make losing you and dad any easier

sis - i'm sorry

me - thank you

sis - can i meet you at the airport?

me - yeah why not

sis - i miss you.

me - i miss you too.

sis - love you. text me when you land.

me- love you too. and i will.

I close our conversation and open Tyler  and I's. There is like 50 'hello?'s  and about 20 'are you okay's and there is a lot of question marks. I feel bad that I haven't answered but at the same time I feel so hurt that he legitimately left me that I feel tears prick my eyes. I scroll through all the messages and my phone brings me to the incoming text from him.

Ty - I love you.

I want to respond but I know that if I do then I will have to talk to him and I don't know if I want to. But I can't stop my fingers from moving across the keyboard.

Me - do you really?

Before I can even think I hit send.

Ty - Of course I do baby. You are my everything.

Me - If I fucking meant that much to you why did you leave me? You promised.

My phone starts to ring and Tyler's face appears on the screen. I immediately decline it.

Me - if you wanted to talk that bad you wouldn't have left me.

Ty - Y/n I'm sorry I never should have left I know that I promised.

Ty - *voice memo*

I press play and his voice comes over the speaker and I instantly melt a little. "I'm so sorry baby. I love you. Please forgive me. I'm sorry." A tear rolls down my cheek. I want to forgive him but I don't know how. I hurt so much and it's because he broke his promise. How do I trust him. This is so stupid.

Me - I'm going to sleep.

I close my eyes and let sleep flood over me.


"TYLER!" I sob. Josh holds me close to him as I punch his chest each hit getting weaker. "You promised! You promised you wouldn't leave me!" I sob into Josh's chest. He strokes my hair and I can hear the soft whimpers coming from him. "He's in a better place now Y/n." Josh try's to make me feel better but I can hear he is choking back sobs of his own. I peer over my shoulder seeing the love of my life in a wooden casket. My heart shattering into a million pieces. "I love you Tyler." I whisper to him.

Texts (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora