Losing Apart of Me

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The flight to Florida isn't that long, so when we touch down I instantly call for an Uber. That was it will be ready for us when we get outside. As we walk to the escalator that leads down to the front, Tyler leans over to me and says, "I have a surprise for you." I look at him confused, More surprises isn't this trip enough? I think to myself. I feel bad because I don't want Tyler to feel obligated to buy me things cause he has more money than me. We begin to defend the escalator and I look to the bottom to see a brown hair man holding a sign with my name on it. His smile is ear to ear and I push past the few people one the escalator to get to him, leaving my suitcase with Ty. Once I get to the bottom I run and jump into his arms. 

"Oh my god I missed you so much." I say as he set me down. I look up at his brown eyes squinted from his large smile. "Why did we wait so long to get together?" He says and I shake my head. "I don't know but we can't let it happen again. I know Tyler missed you like crazy." Tyler come running up behind me and practically knocks both of them over. They both are laughing and collect themselves. They stop laughing and go into a crazy handshake. "God I missed you buddy." Tyler says and then picks up the two suitcases. "I missed you to dude." Josh says and takes my suit case from Ty's hand. "You know you two don't need to carry my stuff, I can do it." I says to the two. "Yeah I know but what's the fun in that?" Josh says to me as we stand at the bottom of the escalators waiting for Zack and Maddy. "Josh!" Zack calls out when he is about two feet away. They exchange hugs and greeting and then we go out to meet our Uber.  We all pile into the van and take off to Disney. Tyler got a room in the actual park, which I thought was absolutely over the top. There is three rooms, which I found out about on the way there. Josh's girlfriend, Debby, is meeting us at the park after she is done shooting for her Netflix show.  I'm pulled from my thoughts when Tyler takes my hand in his, my eyes meet his. "Are you excited?" He asks me. "You have no idea." My phone goes off in my pocket and I pull it out to see a notification. I swipe the screen to open the e-mail. I begin to read the blurb sent to me.

Congratulations Y/N,

We are please to announce to you that you have graduated from your program and invite you to come to your commencement in one month to this day. We wish you the best on your future endeavours. 

I practically screaming making everyone in the vehicle very scared ad confused. "What's wrong?" Zack says from the front seat. "Nothing, I just got the email saying I graduated." I reply and they all congratulated me including the driver. "I say we celebrate tonight!" Maddy yells  from the back seat. "I agree." Josh says. "That make 3 of us." Zack adds. "What do you say?" Tyler asks me. "Let's celebrate." I say and everyone starts to cheer. We aren't in the car for much longer before we get to the park. We take a trolly to our room and when we get there I realize it's not just a room. Tyler rented an entire house in the Disney World Village. "Ty this is crazy." I say to him. "I wanted to make sure we had some privacy from other tourist and I called the resort and they said this would be the best option." He says to me as we all stand in front of the picture perfect house with our suitcases at our feet. "Well what are we waiting for?" Josh says and begins to walk towards the house. We all follow and make our way into the house. Once we are in and pick our rooms we all unload our stuff. "Okay what is the plan?" I ask Ty as I move my clothes from my suitcase to the dresser that is at the front of the bedroom. "Well why don't we get something to eat. Debby is bringing groceries cause we are here for a while." He says to me, I agree and once we finish unpacking we get the everyone else. "Where are we going to eat?" I ask. "It's a surprise." Josh says, a smirk on his face that sends chills down my spine. "Josh made reservations already." We get ready to leave and we all go to Josh's surprise destination. We hop onto another trolley and make our way towards the park. I have no idea where we are going but Maddy and I just chat the entire way there. The trolley comes to a stop and so does our conversation. I have no idea where we are it's dark and there is a light hind Maddy and Zack's head. I can't see what is there cause the roof of the trolly is blocking my view of the object. I step out and see a massive helicopter. "Oh my god."  I say I look at Josh and shake my head. "You're kidding right?" I am speechless when he shakes his head in response. "Where are we going?" I ask. "You will have to see." Tyler says and him and Josh fits bump. "This seems extreme." I say to Maddy. "Hey he loves you that's  why." She answers, I roll my eyes. "That was so  cheesy." We all pile into the helicopter, still unsure where we are going. I just look out the window at the crazy lights below. The helicopter lands on a hotel roof and people in suits walk us through the door that leads us down. They take us to the elevator and press ground floor. We walk to the strip and the men in suits stop at the door as we walk onto the strip. Josh takes the leads and we all walk behind him. He stops in front of a Cici's pizza and I just start uncontrollably laughing. "This was the big surprise? We needed a helicopter for this?" I laugh out, Josh almost looks hurt. "Hey this is great. I was just meaning it's a little extra." I try to make him feel better, he perks back up. "You're kinda right." He chuckles. A hostess opens the door and locks it behind us. "Welcome to our person Cici's." Tyler says gesturing open arms to the empty store. "Wait really?" Zack says. "Yeah we didn't want to have to worry about fans and paparazzi getting in our faces so we just rented it out." Tyler answers. "This is sick!" I yell out in excitement, I run over to the plates and grab a bunch of slices of various pizza's and take a seat in a booth. Everyone follows and not long after I'm seated the rest are as well. We each end up eating like 3 pizza's each, it's crazy. When we finish we waddle back to the helicopter and back to the house where Debby meets us outside. "Y/n it's so nice to meet you." Debby says while pulling me in for a hug. 

We enter the house and all crash onto couches, absolutely exhausted from the day of travelling. We watch a couple of episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and then decide to turn in for the night. We're supposed to go to the park tomorrow, so it'll be another long day.

Ty and I walk upstairs and I practically dive onto the bed. "Hey babe you know what today is?" He ask me crawling in beside me. "No why?" I ask confused. "It's our six months." My cheeks heat up. "Holy shit I forgot." I say my hand clasping to my mouth. "Is that why you and Josh did all that tonight?" I ask him, tears welling up. "Yeah.." He answers kinda quiet. "Oh my god. I can't believe I forgot." I say to him a few tears slipping out, he wipes them away. "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay." He says kissing me softly. "Tyler I don't have anything for you." I say to him. "You are all I need." He says to me making me cry a little bit again. "That was so sweet." I say to him. "It's true." He says to me smiling. "I love you so much." I say to him pulling him in for a kiss. "I love you too." He says to me breathlessly. I pull him back in for another kiss and this time it grows. He gets up onto his hands and knees and is suddenly over top of me. After a few minutes of being in that position the intensity growing I pull away. "Tyler I have to tell you something." He looks at me confuse. "Tyler I've never had sex before." I blurt out, my cheeks heating up immediately. "Oh." He looks at me. "Tyler it's kind of a big deal to me. I'm now twenty one so if I were to lose it, it's kind of a part of me." I say to him quietly. "No I completely understand." He says to me. "You do?" I ask. He nods, "Yes cause I'm twenty three and in the same position." He says to me. "But I thought you and Jenna-" He cuts me off. "No." I'm kind of shocked. "Tyler I want it to be you." I say to him, his eyes kind of go wide and then he relaxes. "Really?" He asks me. "Yes. I don't want anyone else just you." I say to him. "Do you want to do this now?" He asks me. "Really badly to be honest." I say pulling him in for another kiss. He pulls away. "Wait do you have anything?" He asks. "Already ahead of you." I wink at him pulling out a condom. "You really are ready." He smirks. "Just take it slow okay?" I want to make sure that it's not scary. "I promise." He says. "You have to promise you won't leave after this." I say to him. "I promise you I'm not going anywhere." He says planting a kiss on my forehead. We being to kiss again, it heats up quick. It's not long till both our shirts are off and I can feel his skin against mine. "If you want me to stop just say so." He says as he unbuttons my pants. "Okay." I whisper. 

We're laying in between the sheets breathless. "That was incredible." I say to him. "I agree." He says a big goofy smile plastered on his face. "I love you Ty." I say to him turning to face him, he turns to meet me. "I love you too, y/n." He pulls me over and I fall asleep in his arms. 

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