A Perfect Day

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After getting through the most embarrassing day ever, I now have to get through a day at Disney World. We are all up stupid early to get there by the time the park opens. Ty and I sit in the Uber as the others rush to get to the car. "I'm so sorry that this is taking so long." I say to the driver. I'm sitting in the front and Ty is sitting in the seat behind me. Josh and Zack are the first two out, which didn't surprise me whatsoever. The girls are out not long after. We are finally on our way to the park after what seemed like an eternity. 

The Uber drops us off the front gate and we take the ferry into the Magic Kingdom. Our first stop is to get some icon ears to get the day started. I get a headband in the classic style but covered in sequins, Maddy gets the same but with a rose gold and Debby gets a donut ears with a blue bow. Tyler gets a black baseball cap that says Mickey on the front, and has ears attached. Josh gets a goofy hat and Zack gets a Donald Duck hat. Before we go to rides we stop at the first cafe we see and grab some coffee. Tyler and I stand in line hand in hand while we read and point at the drinks we think sound good. We finally make a choice and walk to the open till where the barista is waiting for us. "What can I get for you?" The petit girl asks us. "I'll have a large vanilla cappuccino." He says and looks to me. "And I'll get a large mocha frappé." I order. She punching in the order, we pay, and then wait for them to be made. It's not too long before all of us have coffee and are making our way to our first ride. We bough fast passes so we don't have to wait in lines all day. 

By lunch time we have conquered 20 rides and have plenty of pictures from around the park. We stop to grab something to eat at a near by burger place. We're sitting at a table waiting for our food and a group of fans knock on the window side our booth. They wave and smile a few of them are taking pictures. Tyler and Josh wave back and they are gone within seconds. "That was sweet." I say to them with a smile, given my last encounter with fans wasn't so good this one was much more refreshing. The boys just nod and we carry on with the day. We of course get pictures in front of the castle and I immediately make the picture of Tyler kissing the top of my head my screen saver. "I love it." He says when I show him. "I love you." I say and he plants a kiss on my lips. It feels like the firework show has already began inside me. 

We catch a bunch more rides but return to the castle before dusk to get front row seats for the fireworks. I stand with Tyler's arms around my waist, my back against his front. I'm practically jumping in excitement that Tyler has to calm me down. The first firework goes off and I'm in awe. I have never been before and I'm here with my favourite person. This will always be my top 10 in perfect days.

The fireworks end and we call an Uber to pick us up. The same guy from this morning picks us up. We go to the closest McDonald's before heading back to the house. We get in the car I turn on my phone and open Twitter.  The first thing I see is a picture of Tyler and I at the burger place earlier today, the caption says, "Tyler and his new boo." There is thousands of retweets and comments. I tap to open the thread and begin to read all the comments.

What an ugly bitch

Tyler can do so much better!

Ew who tf?

Tyjo NOOOOOooooOOOO!!!

fucking die bitch

10 bucks says she's just a slutty whore in for his money.

who does she even think she is?

bet she's a fake fan

fucking skank, hope you choke on your burger

gross ass whore bag

fake bitch

gold digger

Texts (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now