Date Night

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Two days of travelling through Europe and having a night show has been a little hectic. But their manager said it was cool for me to travel with them on the bus, so there doesn't have to be another form of transportation just for me. It's already Tuesday, and I go back Sunday morning. I'm just trying to memorize everything that happens on this trip. I'm the only one up aside from the driver so I make some cereal. I decide against coffee cause I don't want to make a mess and the drive told me he will stop in about 20 minutes. I sit on the bench leaning against the wall watching the cars and buildings go by. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look over to see a tired looking Tyler. "Good morning." He says and plants a kiss on the top of my head. I stiffen in surprise and he immediately backs up. "Oh, I'm sorry." He try to back peddle, I just give him warm smile. "It's okay Ty, it just surprised me." He doesn't look up. "Come here." I say to him and he comes and sit down beside me. "We should talk about what we are." I say to him. "Right now?" He asks me. "Well we don't have to." I say to him. "I want to but I feel like this isn't romantic." I give him a blank stare. "Tyler were in Europe." I say to him. "True." He says and we both laugh. "So what do you want." He asks me. "You." I say without hesitation. "Me too." He says. "We're just going to have to figure out how to see each other in person when you go back home." He says to me. "Well what we were doing before seemed to work." I tell him which he agrees with. "So what does this mean?" I ask him. "Will you go on a date with me tonight, y/n?" He asks me, my stomach jumps with excitement, before I can answer he begins to speak again. "We have an off night for the next two days. We can go out tonight and not have to worry about a show." I give him a smile. "I would love to." He pulls me in for a hug and we end up sitting on the bench wrapped in each others arms for awhile. 

After getting off the bus to grab coffee we get back on and head to the Paris. It's where the boys' next show is. I'm positive Tyler planned this out. I know the whole Paris thing cheesy but it wasn't my choice. However, I do know that it will be something I will always remember. "How come you never talk about your family?" He asks me. "We've been talking for over a month and you haven't said one thing about them." He says, I let out a small sigh. "I don't talk about them cause I have almost no relationship with any of them." I say quietly. "What do mean?" He asks. "Well I have a little sister. Every time we are together it ends in a fight, we constantly argue. My mom starting dating this guy and at first I was really happy for her cause he genuinely is a nice guy..." I trail off. "But?" He holds my hand letting me know that it's okay. "But, she stopped talking to me. I would try to share something with her and she would wouldn't pay attention. In fact, she would actually cut me off by showing me videos on facebook. And then get pissed of at me if I got mad at her." I say looking down at my hand in his. I can feel my face getting warm, these are things that I have tried very hard to repress, and I'm just openly talking about them. "What about your dad?" He asks. "I haven't talked to him in 2 years." I say bluntly. Tyler looks hurt. "Hey it's okay." I tell him lifting his chin up. "I shouldn't have pressed you to answer." He says I can see the regret on his face. "Ty, it's okay. I was going to tell you at some point. and face to face is better then over the phone." I say to him and give him a smile, which he returns.

Josh comes out and I had him his coffee that Ty ordered for him. He joins us at the table and we spend the rest of the morning jut talking about our lives and whatever came to our minds. The rest of the day goes by so quickly that I almost forgot what tonight is. I jump in the shower that is on the bus, and steal the bathroom to get ready. I'm not really dressed up, I'm wearing black  ripped skinny jeans and an over sized army green knitted sweater. But it's cold out so I don't want to wear a dress. Which I didn't even pack and probably don't own, so I hope this acceptable. I walk out and Tyler goes silent. "What's wrong? Should I change?" I ask frantically. "No, you look beautiful." He says to me, my cheeks immediately heat up. "You're just saying that." I brush him off. He stands up and takes my waists staring into my eyes with his big chocolate brown ones. "I mean it." The moment is so intense I have no idea how long we stood like that for, until the bus driver yells back. "Alrighty, we're here." braking us out of the trance. 

"Okay, you ready for our date?" He asks me taking my hand in his. It makes my stomach jump and my heart flutter. "Of course I am." I say with an ear to ear grin. He leads me through the cold streets of Paris. The buildings are gorgeous. I want to ask him where we are going, but I kinda want it to be a surprise. We arrive at a little coffee shop that has an all glass front. He leads me in and we take a seat in a both where we our waitress comes and serves us. From here we can watch the sun go down, and the view is absolutely breathtaking. I look from the window to Tyler and I'm not sure what I like looking at more. That is until he smiles and I know it's him. "I wish I could freeze this moment and live in it forever." I say to him. He lifts up his phone and takes a picture of me drinking my mocha. "Well I'll have a little piece of it." He says to me. I do the same but he has a big goofy smile and scrunched up eyes. I think it's even cuter. We got some food too and then he insists he pays, which makes me a little upset cause he has paid for all of this. "Tyler you don't need to pay for everything for me." I say to him as we walk down the street. "I know but I want to. There is a difference." He looks over at me with a smile. "I know I just don't want you to think I'm incapable of paying." I say to him with very soft eyes. "Don't worry I don't think that." He says to me. I nod looking forward. We continue walking down the street hand in hand. After spending a few minutes Tyler's voice breaks it. "Everything okay?" He looks over me. "Yeah..." I trail off, he waits for me to continue. "I just don't want this to be over." I finish. "What to be over?" He asks me, slightly confused. "This trip." I answer. "It's been so perfect it's like it all was a dream." I say, not looking at him. "It's better than a dream. It's real." He says, and with that he stops me and lightly places his fingers against my chin turning my head gently toward him. He leans in and my eyes flutter closed. His lips brush against my very gently and then a little bit more passionately. When we pull away it's a second before my eyes open. "How was that for real?" He asks me. "I don't I think we should try again." I say wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips against his. He wraps his arms around my waist and I can feel him smile, we slowly pull away. "Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" Ty asks me and my heart beings to race. "I thought you would never ask." I say pulling him in for yet another kiss, this time my smile breaking our lips apart. "I still can't believe this is happening." I laugh. "Well you better believe it." He says pecking my forehead and we begin to walk back to the bus. 

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