Chapter 4

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Carlos stared at Jay, shock filling his face.
"You think that she might be.."
"I don't think, I'm sure of it. Her name is Eve, she's blonde, and she's just a few miles away."

Carlos lowered his gaze to the grass under his feet, Jay hit his shoulder gently as he looked up to him.
"Hey, why don't you go clear your mind somewhere ? I'll wait for you in the dorm. Okay ?"

Carlos nodded and started to walk away.

In Another Place :

"You have to make her lose her powers somehow."
"I know that. I just need a victim."
"how ? She doesn't seem to have a family at all."

"well, search for someone we can threaten her with. A friend, anything..just search."
"right away."

In Another Place :

As he walked, he couldn't take his mind off one thing.
He always wondered why did he have that locket with him. Something told him not to throw it away, and he didn't know why.

He arrived at that lake he always admired, it was so relaxing that he couldn't resist its magic.

Carlos stared into the water for a few minutes and realized he was tearing up.
He could see his reflection staring back at him, but then he noticed her.

She was a few metres away from him, wearing this short dress that reached just above her knees, and her blond hair reached below her shoulders, her blue eyes that had tears in them.

She didn't notice him. She was staring into the lake, her eyes started to tear up. He didn't know why was she crying, but she just seemed desperate.

She noticed him after a few minutes, and stood up quickly, wiping her tears away.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt."
Carlos said quickly.

"I..It's fine."
She paused.
"am I..allowed to ask ?"
She nodded at him.

"why are you crying ?"
Eve swallowed, before speaking again.
"It's only been a few days, and I can't get you out of my mind. I'm not like that, and it's strange."

She glanced at the lake then spoke again.
"and it seems like you are feeling the same."
"sorry ?"

He asked, confused.
"oh, sorry. I know I'm not allowed to read minds."
"well, I know I have seen you before. I just don't know where."

Carlos let out something from his pocket.
"Do you remember this ?"
It was a golden locket, that had a the name Eve on it.
She took a glance at it.
"that's..mine..How did you get it ?"

Carlos gazed at the ground.
"um, you gave it to me. I'm Carlos, Carlos DeVil."
Eve suddenly remembered everything.

"I ran away when I was 12, because of my mother. And when I showed up at Auradon, King Beast didn't want me there so I went to Rosebush, and the people welcomed me. I became the queen after a few years."

She muttered, staring at the locket.
"I remember now. I had a younger brother, his name was Carlos DeVil."

She looked up to Carlos, who was looking back at her.


Love you guys ! Tell me what you think !

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 ➵ Descendants Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin