Other students came in and including Coolie, Trunks, Stokeley, Pump and Trippie.

I looked at Ayleks and saw that she was staring at him.He continued to walk to his seat like everybody else.

I then heard loud laughing come from the hallway "Ah shit"Coolie shook his head

Just then Geneva and India walked in but they almost immediately stopped once they saw Ayleks and I.

"Hey Ayleks!"India smiled

"Suck my dick"Ayleks said causing India to frown

"It's really good to have you back Liah"Geneva said

"Bitch fuck you"I mumbled nonchalantly

"Damn I'm just tryna be friendly"she rolled her eyes

Before I could say anything Jahseh walked in with his head down he had on a black long sleeve hoodie.

"Hey Jahseh!"Geneva smirked, Jahseh ignored her and came down the aisle his seat is on.

Our eyes connected causing him to pause for a brief moment. He hesitantly started to walk to his seat, which is behind me.

He put his book bag on the floor before sitting down.

Just then an old woman walked in "Hello class...I'm Ms.Steward and I'll be your substitute for today-"

"ESSSKETITTT!!!!!"Pump yelled

"Young man you need to lower your voice"Ms Steward said strictly

"My bad"

"Okay everybody take out your textbooks and turn to page 217"Ms. Steward said

Everybody took out their textbooks and found the page.

Pump raised his hand "um...Ms Steward? What page 217 on?"

She put her hand on her hip and glared at him.

Pump smirked "N-Nevermind I found it"


In the middle of class Ms.Steward  got called in the hallway causing the class to immediately start talking.I felt Jahseh tap my shoulder. I turned around and looked at him "hm?"

"How are you?"He asked

"I'm good..the real question is how are you?"

"Other than being miserable without you...I'm good I suppose"He shrugged

"AWW!"Ling pokes her lip out

Jahseh slightly rolled his eyes "when's your next doctors appointment?"he asked

"Next month on the 17th"

He nodded looking down at his notebook "Do you want me to be there?"

"Of course I do Jahseh...why wouldn't I?"

"I honestly thought you didn't want anything to do with me"

"That's not true...I still want you to be apart of our child's life regardless of what happens between us"I said

He didn't say anything else he just stared at me...like he use to do when I first got here. Now that I think about...it's pretty hot outside...so why does he have a hoodie on?

I looked at his wrist but it's was completely covered by his hoodie.

"Leave me alone Micheal"Ayleks groaned

"Damn you calling me Micheal now? I'm just trying to talk to you"Trippie asked

"About what?"

"Us!"Trippie yelled as heads turned their way

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