Chapter 28 - High Winds

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Dawn found Greg and Susan much closer to land than they'd thought they'd be.

"Is this where we are supposed to be?" Susan asked when they spotted an island directly to their left just at sunrise.

"This is farther than we're supposed to be," Greg answered as he consulted their map. "Look, I think that island is this one here."

"Here? Really?" Susan asked pointing at the spot on the map.

"I think so. Look how much further to the east it is than the rest of these, also its size. I think that's this," Greg said.

Susan regarded Greg in amazement. "That's at least seventy five miles south of where we left from yesterday!"

"It is, but I'm not surprised. We've had very strong winds all night. Do you want to stop? We could probably use the rest," Greg offered.

Susan looked at the sea between the islands. The swells were less here than they were in the open waters between the clusters of islands.

"No, I don't think so. I think we should keep going if we can. It should be easier to rest now while we're moving than it was last night," Susan said, "that is if the cabin is dry. Is it?"

"It is now. I had to tie the shutters shut, but once I did that, it kept out the wind and most of the drips from the rain. Unfortunately that also means its dark inside," Greg said.

"Which should make it easier to sleep. You go ahead. I'll be okay for a while yet."

Greg regarded her doubtfully. "Only for an hour, then I insist we stop so we can bath and eat. Then I want you to rest."

He got Susan to agree and she smiled at him thankfully as he disappeared into the darkened cabin from the deck.

The sun filtering though the clouded skies was actually quite beautiful, yielding purple masses edged with white above them, and lending extra clarity to the world around them. The air was cool and felt fresh. The seas were gradually growing calmer and the winds were slowing down, but with some adjustment of their sail, their speed remained thankfully high.

Greg slept soundly for a full solid hour, though he slept so soundly when he awoke he initially thought he'd slept longer.

"How are you doing?" he asked when he emerged.

"I'm okay. It's really beautiful today," Susan said taking in the rays of sunlight overhead where they were filtering through the clouds.

"Don't you want to sleep?" Greg asked still feeling bleary-eyed.

"Not just yet. I need to eat first so I don't get a headache. You probably should too. Do you want me to see to the coconuts while you do this?" she offered.

"I can," Greg said.

He retrieved coconuts and bananas to serve as their breakfast and brought them to Susan at the bench along the rear rail.

"I can't believe you're so awake," he told her as they ate.

"I can. I had my doubts about getting here, Greg. I'm so thankful we did, I don't want to waste the day sleeping. I will eventually, but not yet."

"You've been praying," Greg realized.

"Yes," Susan told him. "It helped."

"I'm glad. And you are right. The scenery is extraordinary right now," he said.

Susan nodded as she ate her banana. "I love the lighting, and the towering purple clouds. With the sunlight coming through them like that, I feel I'm in a natural cathedral."

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