Chapter 1

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'Bloody trump, he's going to be the end of us all!' The tv in front of me displayed the news that the umpa lumpa they had appointed as president had just pulled out of the Paris agreement, that had the hopes of slowing down climate change, now, well, now I was very pissed off.

'Oh cheer up B, that's why they sent you, to save us all' he laughed and shoved me in the side causing me to double over.

'Ow! Jesus Jake, I can't save the world if you kill me first'.



'Yes I have a very nice one thank you'.

'Ew, TMI for your little sister'.

'TMI?' Mum walks in grabbing the remote to turn the TV off.

'It means too much information', she nodded in reply obviously not really caring, switching the TV off.

'Wait I was watching that!'

'Brianna, you can't be stuck inside all day, we have to make the most of the sunshine, your dad's started the BBQ'.

Mum, grabbed the glasses left around the living room, tutting and grumbling about how she shouldn't be cleaning up after us or something along those lines.

'So Jakey, wanna bet I can beat you this time in the monthly Blackwell hot dog eating competition!' I turn towards my brother waiting for his stupid comeback involving my strange ability to eat hot dogs.

He slowly stood up and put his back to me. 'Jake?'

The room turned eerie, it was silent, not silent like you're in a quiet room, but like really silent. No breeze from the open backdoor, or the distant chattering of mum and dad.

'Jakey you okay?'

When my hand makes contact with his back it's ice cold, so much so that my hand retracts instantly and I cradle it like it was just burnt.

'Jake?' This time my voice wavers.

Out of no where he starts shaking uncontrollably, violently.

I start screaming, clawing at this invisible force keeping me from helping my brother.

What the hell is going on! 'Jake!', god please let me help him! 'Jake!' 

The shaking stops and he collapses to the ground, eyes wide open and skin paling by the second, he was dying in front of me and I couldn't do anything about it.

My Mum and Dad run in and scream cradling their baby boy.

My mum cries, a heart wrenching cry. They look at me with anger, and my mum stands up and starts shouting between sobs. 'Why didn't you do anything! Why! You could have saved him! Why didn't you do anything!'

I bolt up straight, sweat dripping down every inch of my body, my eyes blurred with tears. Gasping for air I cradle my duvet.

'Just a dream, just a dream'.

These dreams had been haunting me ever since.

My mum had me in therapy almost instantly, anticipating the permanent damage watching my brother die in front of me. She was right.

Gene SurvivorWhere stories live. Discover now