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It was another day at work for Dr.Quinn, helping psychopaths overcome their illness. It wasn't an easy job, for people don't just go mad. You have to hear their whole story and know what caused them to go crazy themselves. Dr.Quinn was assigned to most of the psychos since she was quite talented at her job and was known for her patience.

"Good morning doctor" said Kelly who worked with Dr.Quinn in Arkham.

"Good morning" she said back politely.
Now Arkham Asylum isn't that pretty now, in fact it was horrifying. It was all dark and gloomy, filled with nothing but depression and craziness. It had many dark rooms, some where patients were electrocuted to death, tortured and even beat, and some where they just sat and talked. Overall it was definitely one of the ugliest hospitals you would ever see.

I wouldn't blame them actually, they do have a point since the people who were treated there were pure psycho and wouldn't quite mind sitting in that dreadful palace

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I wouldn't blame them actually, they do have a point since the people who were treated there were pure psycho and wouldn't quite mind sitting in that dreadful palace. Dr.Quinn was assigned many people but was now dealing with Victor Zsasz.

Victor Zsasz, also known as one of the most deadliest enemies of batman

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Victor Zsasz, also known as one of the most deadliest enemies of batman. He just brought him in a week ago to be exact, Zsasz would kill hundreds of people and for every person killed he would carve a mark onto his body. There are barley any spaces on his body now for more marks due to the population he has killed. But that didn't stop him either. Fortunately for batman Zsasz got too drunk one night and was pretty drowsy which made him an easier target, but that didn't stop him from being insane now did it?

"Plenty of work today huh?" Joked Kelly.

"Yes not to mention that date night is tonight" Dr.Quinn laughed.

"Oooh, where is he taking you today?" Screeched Kelly excitedly.

"Not quite sure but Usher sure is the best at finding out the best places in town" she informed. "Which room is Zsasz in today, I was told that I must focus on him more since he is literally a maniac" continued Dr.Quinn.

"Oh he's in room 203 on your left doctor, good luck I heard he has a scar on his body for every soul he has murdered" shuttered Kelly as her eyes widened at the thought.

"Well I have to deal with it now, bye" Dr.Quinn said as she started walking towards the room.

"Don't forget to tell me how your date went!" Screamed Kelly in the background causing her to smile.

"Room 203" whispered Dr.Quinn to herself as she grabbed the door's handle and pushed it open. She entered the room and closed it behind her gently.

In front of her she found a shirtless man sitting in front of her with his back facing her. He was bald and his back was filled with millions maybe even trillions of scars that looked like tally marks.

"Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel" he said with his deep voice, still not facing Harleen.

"How did you know my full name?" She asked softly yet surprised.

He turned around and grinned at her his pale face facing towards her, "who doesn't? Who wouldn't know one of the most talented psychologists there is now?" He grinned. "You're assigned to most of my friends anyway, they told me about you" he whispered the last part as if they were at some point watching him.

"W-who are your friends exactly?" She questioned.

"Ahh, what is it with you and the questions?" He asked as he scratched his scalp. "You know my friends, killer croc, scarecrow, deadshot and this very special one you really would wish to meet" he said grinning evilly making Harleen gasp for she knew exactly who he was talking about.

"He would be delighted to meet you doctor but you know that the king of laughter is always busy now" he continued as he placed his hands into his lap.

"But I don't think you'll be able to help him though" he said as he examined the marks on his arms as if counting the amount of souls he has tortured before their death.

"How come?" Questioned Dr.Quinn as she grabbed a black chair and sat down in front of him.

"He's too insane to handle, a pure psychopath, he's not like any of us. He's way more different, more powerful, and much much more Nefarious." he explained as his eyes widened at this mans power.

"Who is this man to be exact? I-I have someone in my mind but I just want to be sure" informed Dr.Quinn as she pushed her glasses back.

Zsasz frowned and then grinned as he looked up at Dr.Quinn.

"You don't know who the man of laughter is?" He chuckled as he got up and stood in front of Dr.Quinn raising his hands as he spoke. "You don't know who Mr.J is?" He laughed even harder.

"The one and only Joker!" he yelled as he placed his hands in the air expressing Mr.J's power.

Dr.Quinn gasped as she felt her heart beating faster. "W-why would he want me though?" She whispered.

"None of anyone's business we wouldn't dare ask Mr.J why he decided to do anything" he said as he touched one of his marks on his chest. "That's if we wanted to live" he continued his eyes growing wider.

"And if you want to live, I think it'll be better if you do what the king says, Dr" he grinned as he placed both hands on the table between Dr.Quinn and himself, staring at her waiting for an answer.

Dr.Quinn gulped as her breath got heavier. "He can't dare come near me, and if he does, he'll be joining you here, in Arkham!" she yelled back as she got up from her chair and headed to the door.

"You made the wrong choice Dr. He'll come for you! Can you hear me?! HE'S COMING TO GET YOU AHAHA" laughed Zsasz as he banged his fists against the stone walls.

Dr.Quinn left the room closing the door behind her. The words locked in her mind, repeating themselves again and again.


Nefarious (Harley & Joker Fanfic) Suicide SquadWhere stories live. Discover now