Chapter One - Club Life

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The night was young, and the music was pounding. Strobe lights and other visual effects pulsed around the crowd as 2000 people packed in and sweaty, danced across the packed balconies of the night club. An international DJ had come to grace the club with his tracks and the club was fully packed and pumping.

The gyrations of people dancing and grinding, sent pulse waves through the air. The excitement was palpable as the crowd lifted their hands in anticipation. This was what I lived for, a full house with a big spend over the bar. The owner was going to be very happy with tonight. The DJ spun his tracks, weaving a sort of magic through the air and the people responded with a great shout of joy, as a familiar track pounded through the airways.

I stood on the main floor and looked around, there were plenty of girls here tonight, and as the youngest manager of the biggest club in town, I had my pick if I wanted it. Standing and observing the crowd and staff, one of my floor managers spotted me and headed over. "You're finally out of your room Steve!" he attempted to shout over the blaring music. I leaned towards him and responded in kind, "Yeah, it's pretty pumping here tonight, I wanted to come up and see the crowd, it's a good one tonight!" He looked at me and smiled knowingly as he turned and walked back towards the dance floor, following a girl with his eyes who was wearing one of the shortest skirts I had seen so far that night.

I tended to stay downstairs in my office a lot these days, even though I ran the club, I was sort of a recluse. I left the operations of the nights to my managers, and just supervised. My job was to pay the bills, bring the acts in, and do all the marketing and promotions for the club, so once that was done, I just supervised the rest.

A familiar figure in the crowd spotted me and made a bee line towards me. I looked her up and and down appreciatively, she was hot, and fully glammed up, wearing a tight white body suit that left little to the imagination. Not that she needed to try, she was easily stunning, even with no make up and in every day clothes.

Celeste was a rockstar, easily a super model, she was comfortable in her skin and the nicest girl around. "You finished your shift I see," I smiled at her as she moved in for a hug. Celeste was working the door for me, one of my door biatches, a non-derogatory title that the girls wore with pride. Biatches they could be when they wanted too, but Celeste was at her core, sweet as pie, and the bitch didn't come out unless she was really pissed off.

She smiled genuinely at me, circling her arm around me comfortably as we both gazed out at the crowd around us. Celeste was one of the hottest blonde girls I had ever seen and as we stood there, I noticed every guy was giving me the side eye. People wondered why I didn't date her, but even though she was one of the hottest girls around, she just felt like one of the boys to me, and my interest in her was purely friends. She seemed to like it that way as well. Not that I wasn't attracted to her, she was hot as hell, but every guy that saw her instantly fell in love with her. To have a platonic friendship was special for her and there was no way I was going to blow that.

There was a stir behind me as the crowd physically parted to make way for a group to the bar. A couple of big steroid junkies, pushed through the crowd, followed closely behind by a familiar figure surrounded by a posse of girls. Paul resident gangster and permanent vip was smiling and laughing as he chatted with a stunning brunette. His mouth was pressed into the girls ear as they walked through the opened space to the bar. Following him were several girls wearing only a few bits of material, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. The girls were all glassy eyed and dancing as they moved through the space opened to the bar.

Paul was an Eastern European, always dressed in black, tanned and sporting short slick brown hair. He had strong cut facial features and was good looking and a magnet to the ladies. He was also very fit and didn't look an inch of his late 40's. Paul was a friend of the owner, and known to all, as one of the biggest gangsters in the city. Unofficial head of the crime syndicates, he was highly secretive and had been around for a long time. People respected him and the fact he had never gone to jail spoke volumes about his competence. The police had been trying to put him away for a long time, always following him and bugging his phones, houses and cars.

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