It's too Late to Apologize

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"What do you mean 'just friends'?" I stuttered. Liam was emotionless. It felt like my heart dropped to my toes, and it was taking everything to not die right then and there.

"I can't take this constant fear of betrayl. To me, you will just be part of the medical staff. And maybe a friend." He said like it was part of a daily conversation.

Harry grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug. I just let go. All my feelings, my fears, my life. He grunted as he pulled me up into his arms and carried me to his bed. Harry closed the curtain that gave privacy to the bed and never let go of me. I snuggled into his neck and sobbed.

"What did I do? My best friend's dead, boyfriend broke up with me, and sister is in jail! I love him Harry. LOVE! Not loved, I still love him."

"Lil, I love you too. Just not in the way Liam does. He still loves you, he's just confused. We have to prove him wrong."

I nodded my head and sighed. Is anything going to go right? We just layed there speechless. There was nothing to talk about. Sometimes I wish my life was like in the book "The Giver". Ya know, the whole eutopian society? Everything is perfect. No jealousy, no violence, and most importantly, no heartbreak. But as everyone knows, there are many flaws to that kind of life. Read up on eutopian societys and you will know what I mean.

It got late, and I was too tired and depressed to get up. So I fell asleep in Harry's arms. Take that Liam.

**Next Morning**

I woke up to Paul shouting across the bus. "CONCERT IN AN HOUR KIDS!"

I looked at my phone,"THREE O'CLOCK?!" I jumped out of the bed, only to find muself face first on the ground. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you we are one the second bunk." Harry mumbled, his voice hard to understand as his face is in his pillow.

"Ugh, thanks for sharing Harry!"

After brushing myself off, my stomach grumbled. Loud. "SOMEONE NEEDS FOOD, AND FOR ONCE IT'S NOT ME!" Niall shouted, grabbing my arm and dragging me to the kitchen. He got out four slices of bread, ham, and cheese.

"Now make me a sandwich." He demanded with amusement. Ehh, what the heck. I started to assemble my masterpiece. Two ham and cheese sandwiches.

I handed one to Niall and took one for myself. We both sat down next to Louis and eat quietly. Well, I ate quietly. Niall was a mix of a walrus and a dying kangaroo.

"LIAM! YOUR GIRLFRIEND MAKES AWESOME SANDWICHES! SHE'S A KEEPER!" Niall shouted. Louis slapped him upside the head.

"What?!" Niall demanded, rubbing the spot where Lou hit him. Obviously Niall didn't hear about what went down last night. Although who told Lou? Whatevs.

Liam walked in with a confused face. He figured out Nialls outburst when he saw us both with a sandwich in hands. I gave a small smile and he just raised his eyebrows.

"Well if you like her so much, you're going to have to fight for her with Harry." Liam spat. All three of us sat with our mouths hanging open as Liam left. Really? That's childish. Two can play at this game.

"You know Niall, maybe Liams right. Maybe you will have to fight for me." I said making my voice obvious that I was lying. Niall didn't seem to catch on.

"I'm sorry Lilie, but I don't feel that way about you. You're my sister." he said and gave me a sorrowful look. I shot a look back, but this one telling him to play along. Finally, he caught on.

"But since you and Liam aren't together I guess I can admit my feelings. Lilie, I like you. I really REALLY like you." Niall tried to sound convincing. Liam just snorted from the other room. "Well this is tough Niall, because I like Harry too." I replied.

I gave him a reassuring pat on the leg for trying. "We just need to be more convincing." Niall nodded and smiled. I had a feeling at the bottom of my stomach that he liked this. I pushed it aside and tried to focus on my new boyfriends.



I sat on the side of the stage, watching the boys jump around and have the time of their life. The rest of the med staff decided to stay in the dressing room, unless they got hurt.

Niall did some of his famous jumps, wooing the crowd. Harry flicked his hair, Liam pointed at some girls, Zayn made goofy faces, and Louis was changing the lyrics to the songs. All in all, these girls were going to lose their voice for the next month!

Their faces were already glistening with sweat, and they looked beat. Liam started to wrap up the show by telling them what a great audience they have been. All of the responses were just squeals.

The boys came backstage and gave me a hug before heading for the showers. I hugged everyone except Liam, of course. I flipped my hair and went "Hmph!". He didn't seem to care, Liam rolled his eyes and went to the showers.

A half an hour later, they all came out showered and fresh. Fans were still surrounding the building so we couldn't get out. Paul told us we would be stuck for another three hours or so.

After talking with Niall and Harry, the three of us decided it would be best for me to be with Harry since the rumours are already out.

I sat down next to Harry on the couches and he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss. Liam didn't seem fazed, but I knew that his "Not caring" face would be broken soon. "I gotta go." Liam mumbled before getting up. He walked out of the room and left the bus.

We all looked at each other and shrugged. Zayn was still mad at me, but not as bad as Liam. He was starting to believe me.

"Zayn, I want you to know that I TRULY DID NOT cheat on Liam with Harry. We are putting this act up so that I can get him back. I hate that you won't be my friend. I miss you." I confessed.

He nodded. "I believe you. And trust me, after talking with Liam, he needs you. This is KILLING him. So he'll break soon."

I smiled at the thought. Well Liam, here I come. Paul came in and took me aside. "Lilie, this is hard. But I have gotten reports from multiple people that you have been administering prescription drugs to people on the street. We can't have this reputation. We're going to have to ask you to go home."

"WHAT?! First of all, I'm a NURSE! We don't even have the level of education to even RECCOMMEND medication! Let alone know where they are!" I screamed.

"Lilie, I'm sorry. But the decision has been made. I didn't make it, management did." I started to cry and ran to my bed. I threw a suitcase down and packed everything I owned into there. Without a goodbye from anyone, I snuck out of the bus and called for a taxi.


I'm getting really good at this :) I would like to give a shoutout to Mightbekatie for being an awesome online friend. LOVE YA KATIE! heehee yeah so check out her new one direction fan fiction, it's really great. Thanks guys, and I might update again this weekend!

Why Can't We Go in One Direction? (A Liam Payne fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now