Special 4.27k thanks / update

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First thank you for giving this book 4.27k reads this is honestly a huge honour because firstly I never have thought that this book would go well and I am deeply moved by all the comments and likes.Secondly I thought who would like a book like this it isn't even that good. Thirdly seeing all the support and love I am receiving I am deeply moved and so I am grateful to all of my readers aka my stars thank you so much. Lastly I know I haven't been updating much for all my books but I am trying my absolutely trying my best but I have been going to the hospital on and off due my stomach problem and found out.That I have an infection and when I took the blood test I was lacking potassium and my BP is low so I am sorry and I will return as soon as possible I will start writing my stories after 2 weeks.
Thank you once again and thank you for all the love and support.
My dears stars once again you guys thank you and I am grateful for many things especially my readers.

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