We Got Married

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2 months later
Sana and Jimin's wedding day
Sana's POV
I woke up in the morning by the sound of my alarm going off and than I got up and went in the shower than I went and got my normal clothes on because I am going to the salon to get ready for my and oppa's wedding and since seeing the wife is bad luck before the wedding day I had to sleep in Tzuyu's house and than I went in the shower and after 30 minutes I finished having a shower and got ready and did all my skin care and health care stuff I also got changed after that I went outside and saw Jimin oppa in my room I went to him and asked something
Me: Oppa what are you doing here it is bad luck to see me before our wedding
Jimin:I missed you Jagiyah that's why I came here
Me:oh okay I missed you aswell
He looked at me and kissed my forehead than I had a flashback to what happened two months ago when we came back from Tae and Tzu's house and oppa asked me something
Jimin: Sana Jagiyah what is your plan after we got married
I thought about it than said
Me: I don't really know but one thing I know is that I won't be happy
He looked at me and curiously asked
Jimin: Why
Sana: Because I am going to miss someone
Jimin: who
I looked at him and pointed at him because I didn't have the courage to say it to him
Jimin: ME
I nodded than oppa kissed me in the lips feeling his soft lips drove me crazy and I wanted more of his lips but I know he doesn't love me and we had a really passionate and longing kiss he broke the kiss and looked at me
Jimin: Sana I will miss you as well
Me: oppa I don't know what to say but I want to ask you something
Oppa nodded than I asked
Me: what will you do after this
Jimin: I don't know I wouldn't like it because I am leaving someone special the person I will be spending 18 months with the person who cares about me and always makes me feel special Sana I will miss more than you can imagine
I looked at him and saw the sadness
Jimin: can I
I nodded and than we had a long kiss again and than he carried me in a bridal way to our bed and wrapped his arms around my waist and we both looked at each other and he was combing my hair with his fingers running through it I felt asleep
Flashback ends that was one of the best days I have ever had in my life after thinking about that me and oppa went to eat and he held my hand after 1 hours than me and Tzuyu bid them our goodbyes and went to the salon so I can get ready for our wedding I was wearing this

2 months laterSana and Jimin's wedding day Sana's POV                    I woke up in the morning by the sound of my alarm going off and than I got up and went in the shower than I went and got my normal clothes on because I am going to the salon ...

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After 40 minutes of driving we arrived I had my driving license one month ago and than I parked my car and than we went inside she started doing my make up I told her to do it light so she did it after that I told her to straight my hair and she straightened it after that I went in to get changed into my wedding dress and this how it looked like

After 40 minutes of driving we arrived I had my driving license one month ago and than I parked my car and than we went inside she started doing my make up I told her to do it light so she did it after that I told her to straight my hair and she s...

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we got married(Sana x Jimin FF) Where stories live. Discover now