found out

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twice dorm
Sana POV
I was sleeping when I heard a loud knock and they were keep on knocking the door so I got up and answered the door revealing Jihyo in front of me and then I asked her if everything is okay
Sana:jihyo is everything okay why were you knocking on my door
Jihyo:because pd nim wants to talk to about something
Sana:is everything okay
jihyo:yeah he said you have need to come be there in half an hour
Sana:okay I will get ready and leave
then I got ready and went to jyp building to go and meet jyp pdnim and then I went to his office and when I went inside it was different there two unfamiliar faces and my pdnim called me and I went to him then I asked him why he needed me to come to here
Sana:anneyong pdnim anneyong(I was greeting the two unfamiliar faces as to show my respect)you called pdnim is everything okay
pdnim:Sana I want you meet big hit entertainment pdnim and we got married producer
Sana:hello wait did you say we got married's producer
then big hit entertainments pdnim said something
big hit pdmin:yeah he did we are promoting you to we got married
Sana:but I don't think I can  do this what if I am not his ideal type
bighit pdnim: well you don't have to worry before we were promoting him in the show we were trying to find out who is perfect for him and it was you and he was perfect for you that's why we are promoting the both of you to this show
Sana:okay if you say so what do I have to do
pdnim:all you have to do is sign a contract and it will be 1 and half year long
Sana:what 1 and half year
bighit pdnim:yes one and a half year now quickly sign your contract
then I signed the contract and then I was about to bow and leave when pdnim needed to tell me something
pdnim:Sana you will meet him tomorrow in music bank because both of you are promoting your comeback and here (he gave me a picture of him which I am guessing its his childhood picture and a ring which I am probably guessing its his size) then you will go straight from there to both of your house and you will be living there with him
Sana:okay bye (I bow and went from there )

Back in the dorm
I got back and saw everyone was waiting for me and they kept asking me questions
Nayeon: Sana where did you go
Jihyo:what did pdnim say
Tzuyu:what happened
Dahyun:unnie why did you go
so I told them all to calm down and let me answer there question

meanwhile in bts dorm
Jimin pov
I was sitting down watching a movie when Namjoon hyung came and close the television and sat next to me and all the members came behind him Jin hyung told me something
Jin:Jiminie pdnim wants to meet you
Jimin:is everything okay
V:yeah everything is okay
Jin:he told me to tell you to go to his office with tae
Jimin;okay hyung I will go now then
then I went to  pdnim's office and he told me to sit down
pdnim;ahh jimin come and sit
Jimin:anneyong (I bow and sat down )
pdnim:i need to tell you something jiminie
Jimin;yeah what is that you need to tell me
pdmin:well first meet him
then a guy opened the door and sat beside me and he wasn't any our staff so I was kind of confused and then I  meet him then I asked my pdnim something
Jimin:pdnim what is going on
pdnim:he is the producer of the show we got married and we are promoting you in that variety show
I was shocked so I didn't know what to say until my pdnim said something again
pdnim;dont worry jimin we have checked your and her ideal type and it is perfectly matched for the both of you and she already knows about it and you will be meeting her tomorrow in music banks because you both are promoting your comebacks
Jimin:okay what do I have to do
pdnim:you have to sign a contract (then he gave me a contract to sign and I signed it )
pdmin:and you and her are going to be living with each other for one and a half year
Jimin:one and a half year
pdnim:yes and here (he gave me a picture of her and I see the picture and it  is her childhood picture she looked so cute when she was a child then they gave me a ring which I am probably guessing that it fits her) you will need this
pdnim:okay go and take some rest you have a big day tomorrow and after the show you both of you will go straight from there to your new house okay
Jimin:okay goodbye (I bow and left)
then I see V still waiting for me and he asked me
V:Jimin what happened
jimin;they put me in the show we got married and also gave me this(giving him the picture and the ring)telling me that I would need this and that I will meet her tomorrow and also that we will be living together for one and a half year and that our ideal type matches
V:what one and a half year and you have to stay in the same house did they give you any clue
Jimin:no they didn't and yes one and a half year I really want to know who she is
V:I have an idea why don't I ask my girlfriend
Jimin:you mean tzuyu
V:yeah I will ask her now
Jimin:okay quick
he takes his phone out and take her picture and ask his girlfriend how can they not put him he and tzuyu are dating for one year now I guess they are probably trying to help me since I am the only single one in our group

we got married(Sana x Jimin FF) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя