Hazel only let out shaky breaths, unable to speak as she was still trying to process the entire situation. Her only concern was the safety of the others, including the mammoth beside her who looked around cautiously.

Before either one could speak or continue they both jumped back as the crocodile bursted out of the ice in front of them and made eye contact with Hazel who froze in fear, unable to hear her name been called out.

It quickly slinked it's way towards her to take a bite but she was quickly pushed aside by Manny, making her tumble across the ice and into the water, making her swam up as she gasped for air and clutched her claws onto the ice, trying to get out.

The creature then went after Manny, taking about three swipes as the mammoth tried to dodge, only to also end up on the same edge.
Due to his much larger built, the side the crocodile was on was beginning to rise, whilst their side began to sink. Hazel found herself nearly entirely submerged into the water.

The crocodile just stared the two, and soon made his way towards them like a spider as it hissed loudly. Hazel immediately turned away with her eyes shut as it jumped at them.

Nothing came after that, which confused her slightly.
Hesitantly, she slowly opened her eyes, and gasped as she froze at what she saw before her.

The crocodile was caught between Manny's tusks, who seemed just as surprised as she did, leaving it dangerously dangling above him.
The mammoth looked back briefly before turning back at the creature in anger. He walked towards the center, balancing the ice patch so their side wasn't sinking.

With all his strength, he swung the crocodile as far as he could. The reptile ended up hitting the ice patch not far off and slid back under the water.

Hazel just breathed heavily, still unable to comprehend the entire ordeal that's just happened and unaware she was still in the water until she was pulled out by Manny, making her retract her claws.

She was soon back on the ice and saw the creatures just glare at them before swimming back down into the water.

When she noticed Manny walking towards Sid and Diego, she ran after him, looking at the bite the green creature taken of the ice, making her shiver at how huge it was.

"What in the animal kingdom was that?!" Sid asked the question everyone had in mind.

"I don't know but," Diego panted, "from now on, land safe, water, not safe."

He soon quickly walked away towards the grass, and the other three shortly soon followed suit to Ellie and the possums.

"That, was the bravest thing, I've ever seen," Ellie comments to Manny, who only shrugged as he grew flustered.

"It was nothing really, I uhh-"

"Oh it's not a compliment!" Ellie quickly remarks, "to a possum, bravery is just dumb."

"Yeah, we're spineless,"

"l~lily livered."

"What a low blow," Hazel weakly muttered to no one in particular, still shaken from earlier, looking over at Diego who just exchanged looks, and they chuckled lowly.

"Maybe mammoths are going extinct because they put themselves in danger too often," Ellie suggests before turning to the herd and told Manny with a straight face, "-maybe you should run away more,"

The male mammoth just stood there, completely dumbfounded before he finally spoke, "Good point..." He nodded slowly, trying to pull a smile, "thanks for the advice!"

"Happy to help!" She yelled back, not catching any hint of sarcasm from the other mammoth as she made her way into the trees.

As soon as she was out of ears length,

"Can you believe her?!" Manny questioned the herd in disbelief, quickly mimicking her voice, "Bravery is just dumb, maybe.. you should run away more!!"

"She's infuriating, stubborn and narrow-minded!!" He glared at the said-mammoth who had already left their view. Hazel looked over to Sid who held a smug as he leaned onto the angry mammoth;

"Ooh~" He teases at him, "yooou~ like her!"

Manny just glared at the sloth. "I do not!" He denied loudly as he began walking away.

"Oh don't worry, your secret is safe with me!" Sid grinned, before turning to Diego. "Oh, and so is yours."

He immediately looked back at him in confusion and irritation. "What secret?"

"You know," Sid began with a smile, "the one where you can't swim?"

"That's, ridiculous," Diego scoffed as he stepped on a rock to avoid a small puddle.

"Fine, but we're living in a melting world buddy," Sid shrugged as he walked across the water, kicking it in the air to prove his point. "-your gotta have to face your fear sooner- or, laater~" He cooed before he dashed away towards the others.

Hazel just walked over towards the male saber who watched the retreating figure of the sloth in annoyance. "Do you not know how to swim either?"

"Either?" He turned towards her with a raised brow, not getting what she mean't.

"I don't know either, but the water isn't that scary," She replies bluntly, walking into the small puddle. "I get what happened back there was horrifying, and the flood that's approaching, but we're okay now, and that's what important right?"

She quickly shot him a reassuring smile before racing after the others.
Diego just watched her figure disappearing, thinking over her words. Sure they were safe, but that's only for now. What if the flood got to them before they all knew it.

Groaning loudly, he shook the thoughts out of his head and quickly ran to catch up to the others.
Oops, sorry for late chapter, if there are any mistakes, please comment, I'm not that smart~

Sorry if this seems really rushed, didn't exactly know what to write for some situations~ ^^'

I hope you enjoyed this chapter nonetheless, bye!! 💖

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