I walked outside, and started walking, until I found a bunch of houses in the distance. I ran, being excited. I remembered where she was. Second row, fourth house. I finally got there, out of breath. The house was painted purple, with all of the windows and the door, along with the roof, was painted black. I knocked on the door, and she opened it.

¨Oh hey. The prank isn't supposed to start for another three hours.¨

¨I know. I wanted to just talk with you, is all.¨

She had a confused look on her face, before smiling. Her ears twitched, which I guess was from the cold, because it was snowing, and the snow kept getting on her ears.

¨Alright, come on in.¨

She moved out of the way, and I had walked up the small steps, and into the house. The mat from inside was almost soaked. I noticed there were some shoes beside the mat, along the wall. I rubbed my small boots against the carpet, and walked inside.

¨So, what did you want to talk about?¨

¨The different universes.¨

¨Right. We should go somewhere more...private, then.¨


I was confused on why she was acting so strange, but I agreed. I stretched, following her into her room, as she then  walked into a walk in closet. I went into the closet as well, following her. She closed the closet door behind me, and then went in front of me, walking. I walked with her, and it started getting darker. We walked, and then I saw some stairs. Catty lifted up a huge poster, that looked like it covered a whole wall. She walked down the stairs, lifting up the poster for me. I felt nervous for some reason, but followed, ducking my head, and going down the stairs. The stairs kept going down, and down, as it got darker as well. It looked like there was a basement.

¨Why...are we down here?¨

¨Your brother. He stalks you, and I don't want him to hear our conversation, nor see us. He saw us behind the trees. He hasn't been in these houses before, so he won't know about the closet.¨

There were lights around the whole basement, making everything a little bit lighter in the room, along with some books, and papers in a corner. There was also a small desk. I was surprised. My brother....stalks me...? But why?

¨Alright...he asked me about us talking yesterday, and I partly lied to him. He wanted to know what you were saying to me.¨

I saw that Catty had some bean-bag seats, as she sat in one, that was purple, and I sat in a bean-bag seat, which was black. Me and Catty were about two inches away from each other.

¨Exactly. He was stalking you then. He hides along the side walls of houses. What did you say?¨

¨I said that you told me that there was a rumor about him going to different dimensions. He said there was no such thing.¨

¨Have you gone to one of the AU's?¨

I nodded. She looked at me, and we were staring at each other for a second. She had a very serious expression. That nervous feeling that I had started growing, as if I was in danger or something.

¨He lied to you. The other dimensions, those are the AU's. He doesn't want you to know about them.¨


I stared at her, thinking for a minute. Papyrus would never lie to me. He was my brother. Why would he lie to me?

¨He lied to you. He lied because some of the AU's are dangerous.¨

¨Oh, then he was only trying to protect me.¨

¨But if he keeps protecting you, then how will you learn to fight? How will you learn to protect yourself? You need to learn to be brave. How about we go to an AU? I have to get some more supplies for the prank anyways.¨


Catty stood up, and tapped on the crystal around her neck. The holographic screen appeared, and started typing. Suddenly, my crystal started shaking. I put the necklace out from around my neck, and tapped on it. There was a red button, by a button that said notifications. Catty walked into a portal, as it closed. I looked at the notifications.

Catty has invited you to Dusttale. Accept?

I clicked yes. Dusttale. Like fairy dust? I assumed that it was fairy dust, and got excited about it. The portal opened, and it was completely black, with dark purple streaks. It didn't really look like the portal like Dreamtale. But this was a different AU, so maybe they were random colors? I walked into the portal, and I sat Catty. I walked over to her. We were in what looked like the ruins. There was a lot of dust everywhere, though. It was snowing still, and there weren't many people around. Catty started walking toward what looked like my house, but it was dark, and had barely any color to it. Everything seem faded. Catty knocked on the door.

DustBerry (Dustale Sans X Underswap Sans)Where stories live. Discover now