"Something worse than drugs," Annie muttered as her expression twisted into one of disgust. "Scrapbooking."

Alivia chuckled and shook her head at Annie, then pointed towards the building and glanced over at Beth, "he said to go around the back."

They parked the car around the back where some workers were located, packing all kinds of crates.

"Wish me luck," Alivia grinned as she unbuckled her seatbelt and exited the car, the door letting out a loud thud as it closed behind her.

She glanced around the area as she approached the one man with a clipboard in his hands, handing out orders, "-half of these boxes on this pallet, half of them on that pallet, okay?"

She smiled as she stopped in front of him, "Hey, who's in charge here?"

His eyes narrowed slightly in suspicion, "that would be me."

"Cool," Alivia kept a smile on her face as she pushed down the lump forming in her throat. "What's your name?"

The man sighed, "It's Mike, what can I do for you?"

"Well, Mike, I'm here to pick up a package you have for me."

He scoffed lightly, "Yeah, I don't think so."

"Excuse me?" Alivia wondered, annoyed at the man's attitude. "What do you mean, I don't think so?"

"I mean, I don't have anything for you," he smiled down at her, then turned his back to her and began talking to one of the workers close by.

Alivia's face hardened and she focused on keeping her breathing slow as she walked back to the car, biting the inside of her cheek.

Ruby jumped when Alivia sharply opened the door and leaned in, "Hand me the gun."

"What? Why?" Ruby wondered.

While Beth pointedly turned around, "Are you insane?"

"He says he doesn't have anything for us," Alivia muttered, shrugging lightly as she continued, "so I'm just going to scare him a little."

"Maybe he just doesn't have the package for us?" Beth questioned, doubting her own words.

"Of course he does," Annie interjected. "He just doesn't wanna give it."

"Why would he do that?"

"Because he wants to keep it for himself, obviously."

"You think?" Beth raised her brows.

"Definitely," Alivia said as Ruby placed the weapon in her outstretched hand.

She slammed the door shut and quickly checked the gun before approaching the man, noticing a bullet still left in the chamber.

The man let out an irritated sigh, "I already told you, I don't have anything for you."

Alivia pressed her lips together, "You did but we both know that's a lie."

"No, listen-" he began but she didn't let him finish.

"No, you listen," Alivia raised the gun and pointed it at him, her jaw tightening. "You either give us what we came for or I shoot you."

He laughed, "You don't have the balls."

Alivia smiled as she lowered the gun and pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting him between his legs, "and now neither do you."

He soon fell to the ground and his screams pressed violently against her ears.

"Oh my god!" Beth's voice suddenly boomed from beside her, eyes wide with fear. "You shot him!"

"What can we do?" Annie asked frantically as she walked closer to him.

"Stay away from me!" The man bawled. "Take what you came for and get out! The box is in the back that way."

"Okay, let's go," Beth urged, leading the women toward the back.

Alivia looked around at the workers they were passing and pointed toward the man, "Y'all should probably call an ambulance."


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