"And why not?"

"I just want to move on and be done with that. Its old news now."

"I understand but you need closure. Everybody needs closure without it you can't move on like you want. So at least hear him out and after that if you really want to be done with him then that's fine."

"Well Thank you Mom. I appreciate your support."

"You welcome sweethea-"

My phone beeped. I looked seeing I had a text from August. "What's that Denise?"

"It's a text. Go on."

"Oh is that Ty? Tell my second daughter I said hi. Oh and you two should come to church with us this Sunday. Y'all haven't came in so long."

"Of course we can come. But this isn't Ty it's my friend August."

"August? Like that Singer who sings something about loving that shit or something like that? Oh What's his name August Alsalina?"

I laughed at the way she pronounced his name. "How you know about him?"

"Oh me and your Father bought his cd at Target on a accident when we went to get R.Kelly's new CD. However,I love his song Porn star."

"Okay?" This conversation was not going well at all.

"But tell me more about this 'August'. Why haven't I met him?"

"Because I just met him."

"Don't get smart with me. When did you meet him?"

Why was she asking all these questions? And she wondered why I hardly call her. I love my mom and all but she is so irritating.

"I met him about a week ago."

"Ayee about a week ago fuck with us and get to squeezing hoe. "

"Mom, are you doing the dance? You know what that's it. You and Dad need to stop watching t.v. and stay off social networks."

"Speaking of social networks, how come you haven't followed your Father and I back on Twitter? Ty and Zeke follows us."

"Well excuse me for not following by parents back on twitter. "

"I posted some pictures of you when you were little."

"Mom!" I whined. "You didn't."

"Oh but I did and I posted the one of you holding your SpongeBob blanket and in your SpongeBob pajamas. You were adorable."

"I'm reporting and blocking you."

"Whatever. Anyway, I just called to check up on you. I love you and don't forget to come to church with us this Sunday."

"I won't. Love you and Dad as Well. Bye, Bye." I hung up the phone and read the message from August.

I left earlier after yo' ass fell asleep on me. I had to handle some business.  -Aug

My bad about that. I was tired.

You good. But I'm at the studio I'll hitchu' up lata'

I locked my phone after I read the message and decided I wanted to go over Ty's house. She didn't live far from here and unlike me she actually lived in a house. It was nice too and very neat. That's one thing I always found weird about Ty is how organized and clean she was. She was the true definition of a neat freak.

I packed my bag with clothes for work and overnight. It was almost 9 o clock and I wasn't coming back home tonight. When I finished packing all my clothes, shoes, and tooth brush and things. I grabbed by keys and was out.

31 (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें