Chapter Thirty-Six

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Kinksnow sighed, her paws shifting as she waited for Fallensong to appear from the medicine den. She stepped on a thorn and wailed about it throughout the time it took to get from the elders' den to Halfmist.

As she waited for her sister, Kinksnow looked around the camp and saw Reedfall with Sparrowflame as they looked deeply into each other's eyes. They were awfully close to each other, so much so that Kinksnow didn't think that they'd separate unless they were pulled apart.

The young warrior flicked her ears at the sound of Fallensong padding towards her and focused her gaze on Hatchtumble flirting with Whitestar as she left her den to speak with the cats around the camp.

"Come on, Kinksnow." Her sister meowed uncomfortably, nudging her to her paws. "Thornshine was babbling about how many rabbits were by the lake and I want to prove that he's not the best hunter in the Clan."


As the two sisters padded across the moorland, Kinksnow spoke up. "So you and Raventail are close," she meowed openly, ears flicking.

Fallensong snorted and flicked her tail dismissively. "We hunt together and only speak when we have any retorts or snappy remarks to each other."

"Uh-huh," Kinksnow teased and raised her chin. Sniffing the air, the she-cat froze. "Fallensong," she warned, claws sliding out of their sheaths as the stench of cats filled her nose.

"I smell it too, Kinksnow." Her sister growled and her neck fur bristled. "Who's there?" She called, tail lashing to and fro.

Without any warning, a blur of fur and claws latched onto Fallensong and she and the attacker engaged in combat. Kinksnow snarled and leaped at a brown tom.

Yowling and snarling made Kinksnow's ears flatten at the deafening sound and she and her opponent hissed at each other.

"DuskClan!" That was the voice of Reedfall! Another patrol had overheard and come to help! "Attack!"

As the brown tom was pulled off her, Kinksnow scrambled to her paws and saw many of her Clanmates battling with what smelled like DawnClan cats.

Reedfall was wrestling with a yellow tabby and was winning. Sparrowflame and Hatchtumble were fending off a ginger and white she-cat as well as a dark gray tabby tom.

Kinksnow's heart stopped and she swore it skipped a beat. 'Where is she?' She thought as she scanned the battlefield.

Fallensong was lying on her side with a nasty wound across her neck. Her sister, littermate, best friend was dead.

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