Chapter Sixteen

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"Kinksnow, Spiderheart, and Flamewatcher," Whitefang meowed, looking at the three cats. "Go over by Breeze Hill and hunt for anything worth hunting."

Kinksnow nodded and licked down a tuft of fur on her shoulder, yawning. She had gotten her warrior name a day before the Gathering last night and she was excited. 'Now no cat can boss me around!' She thought as she looked smugly at Reedfall who was lying next to his mate, Ravengorse.

"Quickfrost, Sparrowflame, and Raventail go patrol by IceClan's border." The deputy went on, turning her back to Kinksnow as she went on to organize the rest of the patrols.

"Come on, Kinksnow," Spiderheart called, tail twitching as he and Flamewatcher waited at the camp exit.

"Coming, Spiderheart," Kinksnow called back and trotted happily over to the tom and she-cat.


"Good catch, Flamewatcher!" Panted Spiderheart as the she-cat lifted a limp rabbit off the ground. "That one was faster than me!"

"It was," Flamewatcher agreed, tail twitching. "This ought to feed the elders. Since Mapleflame died, there hasn't been enough prey to feed the kits, queens, elders, and the rest of us."

Kinksnow had to agree, Mapleflame always ate before all the other cats in the Clan since she was the oldest cat in the Clan. "Now, she is always well-fed in StarClan." She added.

"Well said, Kinksnow." Spiderheart praised and licked her cheek, making her recoil back with a sharp hiss. The tom seemed to catch on and flattened his ears in embarrassment. "Sorry," he mumbled.

"Well, let's head home and feed the elders and queens." Flamewatcher meowed and flicked her ear. Kinksnow nodded and scratched at the ground, revealing a thin owl and rabbit.

Spiderheart bent down and grasped the bird between his jaws while Kinksnow gathered the rabbit. Together, the three cats headed back to camp with the prey dangling limply from their jaws. 

Warriors: Rise of the Shadows (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz