Chapter Twenty-Three

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Moonswirl sat by her mentor as Dewstar called out a name. "Jaggedkit, from this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Jaggedpaw. Icegaze will be your mentor."

The medicine cat apprentice watched as the tabby tom touched noses with the warrior and sat down side by side.

"Bramblekit, from this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Bramblepaw. Your mentor will be Hollowhazel." The leader continued, tail flicking. "Harekit, from this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Harepaw. Your mentor will be Gorsefall."

Moonswirl yawned, tired from going to the Moonstone to meet the other medicine cats and to speak with StarClan. 'All I want is to sleep in my nest without any interruptions.'

"Rubblekit, from this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Rubblepaw. Your mentor will be Redfeather." The leader meowed, tail flicking. "Sagekit and Sorrelkit, from this moment on until you two have earned your warrior names, you will be known as Sagepaw and Sorrelpaw. Bramblepool you will be Sagepaw's mentor and Hollytiger will be Sorrelpaw's mentor."

"Finchshine! Frostmask! Cherrywhisker! Fleetfur! Ebonyrush! Copperdawn! Branchfall! Jaggedpaw! Bramblepaw! Harepaw! Rubblepaw! Sagepaw! Sorrelpaw!" The Clan chanted, everyone needing to pause, catch their breath, and continue with the chant.

"Meeting dismissed," Dewstar meowed and the Clan broke off into groups.

Moonswirl sighed in relief and looked at Heatherspring. "Is there anything we need? I'm going on a walk through the forest." She asked, yawning.

Heatherspring also yawned and when she was done, looked at her apprentice. "No, go ahead." She meowed, ear flicking. "I'm going to take a nap, don't be gone for long."

"Yes, Heatherspring." Moonswirl purred and touched noses with the she-cat before heading for the camp entrance. Her paws connected with leaves as she entered the forest.

After padding in silence for a while, Moonswirl turned around and started to head back to the camp. Suddenly, the crunch of dead leaves caught her attention and made her lift her head.

"Hello?" She meowed, ear twitching. After bushes rustling making her uncomfortable, Moonswirl unsheathed her claws despite not knowing how to fight off an intruder like a warrior.

A gray and white patched shape flew up a tree trunk and Moonswirl let out a hiss. Two pairs of green eyes locked onto hers and a purr escaped the cat in the tree.

"Relax, kitty." The white patched tom meowed, amused. "I'm not going to attack a pretty she-cat like you."

Moonswirl felt her ears heat up with embarrassment but her claws remained unsheathed in case he decided otherwise. "Who are you and what are you doing in DawnClan territory?" She demanded.

The tom purred and flicked his long, fluffy tail to silence her lazily. "Slow down, kitty. My name is Klip and I go where I please, even in your territory."

Moonswirl gazed at Klip suspiciously and took in that he had many scars. One was on his right shoulder, three were across his left eye, and another scar was on his right front paw. "You seem like you've gotten into many fights," she commented.

Klip looked uncomfortable and Moonswirl narrowed her eyes. "Let's not touch on that part of my life, sweetheart." He meowed, tail tip flicking. "Anyway, I've got to head home and you might need to as well."

Looking at the sky and seeing the sun dip below the trees, Moonswirl nodded. "Bye, Klip." She meowed, padding away before freezing at the call of the tom behind her.

"Meet me here tonight if you want to chat!" The loner called after her before she padded back towards the camp.

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