30 - feeling ill

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all i have to say is oops

also i saw my class and i already want to yeet myself off the 3rd floor of the school building

— 🍊


The exams were over, and they were able to receive their tests. Ruby and Aasim stood out the most, having almost to perfect grades, Clementine ofcourse, received high remarks— almost praises from some teachers, Violet and Louis surprisingly did well, Louis did well without trying— and Violet was okay, so was Brody. Minerva barely passed but she still did anyways. But to say about Marlon, and Mitch, well..

His thoughts were interrupted with a call, buzzing right beside him on his lamp stand. They were allowed to leave Ericsons for again, 5 days.

He looked at the caller I.D— seeing it was his Clementine he answered it quickly "Hi Clem!" he was answered with a short lived laugh "Hi Louis," she groans, she shifted in her bed "What's up?"

"The sky." Clementine chuckled, her voice sounded sick, raspy. "But uh.. I sprained my left ankle." Louis' blood ran cold, and his heart swelled "But you just got your leg healed? Are you okay?" She sighed, and coughed up a storm "I sprained it when I was walking down the stairs, lost my footing and fell on my ankle."

"By any change, is my darling sick?" Clementine only responded with a muted sneeze, similar to her last sneeze but it was much more muted, due to probably a tissue— and it sounded like she was pained "Yeah, I have a—" Clementine pauses to cough "A fever, indigestion and a dash of stomach problems. No joke, I just want to rot and die." Clementine says jokingly

"Clem," Louis frowned "Never say that." Clementine realised he took it seriously "I'm joking Louis." Clementine's throat was dry and sore, she desperately wished she had a lot more water, and that she actually could walk. Like— goodness! She only got her cast removed a few days ago and then she sprains her ankle? fucking ridiculous. Well this time she's certain it'll heal in less than 7 days, or heck less than 6 days

"Still.." Louis voice cracks a little, his eyes slightly watery "Hey, I'm sorry.. I'll never make that joke again." Louis sighs, "Can I visit tomorrow?" Clementine hums "Lee actually wanted my friends to visit again— he's interested in my friends. So yes! come after lunch." Clementine's voice was weak, and raspy. Didn't sound like Clementine but Louis was certain it was her.

"It'll only be me and Violet though.. Marlon and Brody are on a date, and Minerva had a little family gathering. Ruby and Aasim had something to do that concerned something Aasim accidentally ate if you can believe it. James wanted to go but he had to help his dad with something tomorrow" Clementine chuckled, "It's okay."

Clementine looked at the time "Hey, I need to end the call for a moment. I have to take my pills." Louis nods, but realises she can't see him "Okay, muah." Clementine cringes, but it was sweet as he ended the call.

He remembered getting a call from Lee, inviting him to watch over Clementine for a few days. Lee fucking Everett, the scary dad Wants him to stay over? It was a wish he would never pass on.

"Oh uh, ofcourse Sir." Lee chuckles on the other end "It's Lee. But no funky business okay?" The tone nearly reverting to a protective way. Louis gulped "I won't do anything to Clementine." Lee smiled, glancing over to a picture of young Clementine "Good. I'll get going— I need to check on Clem." and with that, the call ended

Louis closes his eyes, humming. He can only hope that she's okay


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