6 - not much of a choice

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note/s : hold onto your wigs because this one was tough to write, thank you for 100 reads!

warning/s : bad methods of coping listed. if you need help please talk to someone when you're ready, no one wants to force anyone to do shit they aren't ready

— 🍊


Clementine gradually got used to the school, for living there for approximately 5 hours only, and she gradually got used to the people. The bullies, the different, her new friend group.

Clementine sat there in Spanish class, the class before lunch. Clementine didn't really know anyone there besides Gabe. But Gabe came from a Spanish family- So he didn't really have to join the class at all, skipping it entirely. It was like she was in a completely different world in Spanish class. God, it didn't even have to be Brody or anyone else. Just at least someone she was friends or even acquaintances.

Clementine has a habit of looking at her surroundings too much, it got out of hand when she first met Carley for the first time. It was a childhood habit she never grew out of

The clock obnoxiously ticked, She so happened to glance at the clock every 10 minutes.

She spotted Louis waiting outside for her, she felt her blood run cold. It was creepy more than cute and sweet. But it was nice of him to wait, but it would be worse if it wasn't her he was waiting for. It must be that he was released late from class, as Clementine saw other students cross the halls

Their Spanish teacher dismissed them all "no olvides la tarea" Clementine understood none of it but assumed it was about homework. She collected her things and neatly placed it inside her back pack

She opened the door and passes by Louis, who so happens to be waiting for her outside

"Hey Clem!" Louis gave the girl a toothy grin, Clementine returned the smile "What's up"

Louis pointed to the sky, making Clementine eye roll "No like, really." Louis tapped his foot "Are you aware that there's a party at the beginnings of the year? It's at the admin building, Tomorrow after classes." Clementine groaned

"No one ever tells me shit" Clementine gave a weak laugh. Louis was reminded of what Clementine told him earlier, "So.. are you going to tell me why you were sent here?"

Clementine sighed "It's.. kind of complicated." Her gaze hit the floor "Maybe when the time's perfect I will." Louis suddenly felt bad, and placed a hand on her shoulder "I'm sorry"

Clementine's heart quivered at the thought of her parents, and why she was went here. "Let's just go?" Louis nodded, as they walked toward the cafeteria.


Louis suddenly felt bad for attempting to try to get to know how Clementine got into Ericsons, his heart fluttered looking at Clementine from across the table, the way she played with her ponytail and the way her face scrunches up in confusion whenever she doesn't understand. The way she fiddles with her sleeves whenever she's bored. It was interesting to watch her

"Oh come on, It'll be your first Ericsons party!" Louis looked across the table, seeing Brody trying to convince Clementine to go to the party. Louis knew Sophie would go to the party, and knowing Sophie's personality, it'll be interesting to watch.

"Brody, calm down" Marlon laughed, Brody stepped back for a moment "Sorry, Clem. But you have to trust me" Brody emphasised on 'trust' "It'll be fun, and it'll be a milestone! Plus it's an opportunity to meet Sophie"

Violet gagged, She noticed a change in Sophie. And due to the fact that Sophie doesn't do well jealous either, driving out any girl and manipulating them to do stuff. It's not good

"Are you sure that's a good idea? with Sophie meeting Clem?" Violet raised an eyebrow "We don't know if she'll have a good reaction"

Minerva scoffed "That's kind of true, I seen the things she's done. But I think she'll like Clementine, don't you think?"

Louis wondered that too, about Erin, and the other girls Sophie has driven out of school. But Louis thinks Clementine won't let her do that to herself

"Mmm, We'll have to see when Sophie meets Clem, you know?"


Louis coughed and decided it was best to play some cards, to maybe get to know Clementine more. "It's time for war" Marlon and Violet looked at each other with a determined look

"What's this game about?" Clementine started to reminisce the time she played euchre with Gabe, when she was 13 "The only game I played had less people"

"Okay, I'm not joining" Brody gagged in disgust, and Ruby raised her hands from the table "It gets messy with this game." Clem slowly nodded

"You never join, Brody" Marlon laughed

"It's easy" Violet grabbed the cards and started to distribute to those that wanted to play, the rest of the group that didn't want to decided to watch from the side. "Grab a card from the deck, highest card wins"

"And the highest card gets to ask Clementine, Lowest card Clementine has to ask" Clementine glanced at Louis, her eyes narrowing "All of us want to get to know you better!" Clementine rolled her eyes

"Okay," Everyone flipped a card, Clementine sighed as she saw she was on the losing side, Violet was the winner

"Okay so," Violet huffed "This is something i like to ask whenever im in groups" Everyone at the table was silent "Out of all of us, who would die first?" Clementine was shocked, because it was such a morbid question. And it was the first question of the game

"Dang, that went dark" Louis said, tapping his finger on his card, which was laid on the table "Well??"

Clementine raised an eyebrow and thought to herself "Marlon?" Louis snorted "Hm? Yeah??"

"Well, as it looks like it, you're reliable. And that'll lead to death" Clementine scratched her chin "I guess"

Everyone shrugged, the air was heavy due to her answer. They decided to move on and flip a card. Everyone playing; Minerva, Violet, Louis, Aasim, and Clementine, they looked at Louis' card (which was the lowest)

"Okay," Louis breathed "Hit me with your best, Clem"

"So what is Sophie like?" Marlon gave Louis a questioning look. Louis and Violet turned to each other "She's nice.. You would know if you met her," Clementine nodded

They moved on to flip their cards, Clementine in the losing portion, and Marlon at the highest

"Alright, I hope this topic isn't too sensitive," Clementine's heart started to pulsate faster, throbbing with a cold fear in her heart "Why were you sent here?"

It was the question she dreaded the most, but she had to answer "Long story short, I got my parents killed."

The atmosphere changed from those words.


word count :

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