21 - caught right in the act!

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note/s: hold onto your weaves

warning/s : mentions of alcohol and underaged drinking— this one is very graphic with this one scene



Clementine was honest to God, relieved. Studying really improved herself with Spanish, as she excelled in most of her tests, by above average points.

The Ericson kids were allowed to leave the school and go on a break for 5 days to spend time with family. They were supposed to leave behind their things. Ericsons Boarding School suddenly had a budget for a laundry machine, to clean clothes. But they must replenish their sanitary items

Because this is a milestone, their first break after the semester. Marlon, since he's decently popular; decided to throw a party as congratulations, His house was fairly big; so he invited people wisely

Marlon talked to Clementine about the party a week prior the exams, so she was well aware. Therefore she was able to alert Lee about it too

Clementine walked back to her house, and rung the doorbell. The leegend, Lee; opened the door. He was holding a cup of bourbon in a coffee mug, He placed the mug down and ran to the girl and gave her a death like hug, Carley peaked out of the door and ran to Clementine with AJ, the small kid hugging her legs "I missed you, Clem!" The six year old looked up to the girl, grinning

They brought her inside of the house and ate early dinner, Clementine took a sip of water "Hey dad, you remember that thing I mentioned last week?" Lee took a sip of bourbon and turned to Clementine "Yes, sweetpea. You can go as long as you stay safe and come home before 11:30." Carley was fixing the countertop "And try not to get drunk, you'll regret it." Lee chuckled, as he took a sip of bourbon "Yes, you'll regret it."

Clementine honestly remember the time her friend, Nick; gave her a sip of booze for the first time. It sucked, badly.

"Yes, I won't get drunk" Clementine fixed her plates as she placed it in the sink. She ruffled AJ's afro, as she headed upstairs.

She took a wiff at the smell of her bedroom, it looked exactly like what it did a few weeks before. She looked into her closet and dragged out a outfit; A cream coloured turtle neck, a blue sweater, light blue jeans and her combat boots, and her very much iconic hat.

(i suck at descriptions so if you want to have a better idea of what her outfit looks like, look at the very top of the chapter)

She waved goodbye at Carley, as she continued to lecture Clementine about rules of alcohol "Do not get a drink from a open can, those 'fruit punch' bowls, and watch the person pour the drink" Clementine rolled her eyes, but understood where her mother figure was coming from "Thanks mom" Carley smiled before patting her on the back "You need a ride?"

"Nope, It's okay, Their house is only 5 minutes away." Carley nodded, before kissing her goodbye, before disappearing into the house again

Clementine sighed, in reality; Marlon's house is 20 minutes away, but if she ran then she could get there faster. She discreetly walks away from the drive way, before dashing off in a hurry. She hears a car beep at her, worried it's a angry driver, she turns back. Turns out, she's wrong; It's Louis and his stupidly expensive car— no, cut that out; lambo. a 17 year old owns a lambo

Clementine's jaw gapes wide, as Louis rolls the windows down "Shocked?" He chuckles, unlocking the door "Get in, my princess." He says ever so charming

Clementine hesitates, feeling as if she could break something if she were to touch it. She gets in the passenger's seat "What did you do to get a car?" Clementine wasn't even aware he could drive, let alone; A lamborgini

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