12 - alone

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note/s : i suddenly needed more plot ideas, there will probably be like 2 chapters based of this, so things could spice up.

thank you for 700 reads ♥️


Clementine scans the flyer, her home economics teacher gave her. It was something about camping outside in the lodge, It's ironic because they already stay inside the dorms, so is camping really necessary?

"We'll start camping in two days, prepare all your necessities in a bag, The bus to the lodge will leave at seven in the morning. So I would try to expect you guys to sleep early at a decent time." Clementine sighs, she listens to the teacher babble. It sounded nice, The kids would go play in the river, do fireworks, learn how to fish, cook, and hunt down the dinner. But of course, expect the kids to smuggle in chips in the 3 day camping trip

Clementine imagines having to sleep in a tent, the bugs flying around her and the mosquitoes threatening to bite her bare skin. It made Clementine shrivel a little, Louis looks at her worried "Are you cold?" Clementine shakes her head, she points to her black jacket, signalling that she has a layer already.

Sophie notices the two talking and decides to distract Louis, Louis being Louis, had to entertain his girlfriend first. Louis looks at Clementine and smiles, Clementine disregards this and continues sketching.

The bell rings and everybody packs up as the teacher reminds them about the camping trip

"Isn't camping fun?" Brody squealed in excitement, Clementine chuckles "I get a lot of mosquitoes bites, it's going to be difficult." Violet rolls her eyes "We're all going to smell bad after this trip. I can feel it" Louis' eyes furrowed at the brunette's timid expression. Her heavy gaze was planted some place else, and her figure stood still. It was beautiful looking at her, but It was like he was being distant.

Ever since a few hours ago, Clementine sort of built this small friendly barrier. Not very cold or distant, but whenever Louis would give a kind gesture or spark up a joke, she wouldn't reply and change the subject. This made Louis worry a little.

"Are you okay, Clem?" Louis whispers to the brunette, she snaps out of her train of thoughts "I'm thinking about the camping stuff. It brings back memories" Clementine shines a small grin, her expression melting into his mind. The girl's expression faltered, she continued to think. Louis decided to cheer her up, but of course, the red head steers his attention towards her.

"Are we going to share tents?" Sophie smiled innocently, Louis raised an eyebrow "It might not even be tents" Louis simply replied, He turned to Clem "Are you excited?"

Clem was still in her little dream world, Sophie grit his teeth and shoved her out of her thinking space "Hey, answer him" Sophie smiled, but with a different edge

"Sorry, I was kind of thinking of something, but not really" Clementine simply answered, she slowly slipped out of view of the group. She stumbled outside to make a call. She looked at time, 12:06. She would call AJ but she knew he wouldn't answer, and she needed to tell at least someone in the family that she'll be going even farther from home.

She hesitated, her finger hovering over the call button, it's Lee for crying out loud; the person that means a lot to her and the person that was a surrogate father to her.

She pressed the call button, the phone rang two times, before Lee's deep and fatherly voice answers her call. "Hey sweet pea, I was about to call you." Clementine smiles, her and Lee were in sync; like two peas in a pod, as Kenny would say

"Is your cheek healing well?" Clementine chuckled "Well it's healing, but it got worse so I got it looked at" Lee sighs, she could hear typing in the background, most likely her surrogate mother

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