Chapter two

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As I'm finishing episode 7 of stranger things, I hear the door bell ring.

"Anthony hold ur balls I'm coming" as I'm rolling my eyes under my breath I whisper "Jesus Christ help this boy and give him some patience".

"Hurry up!!!" I hear him whining from the other side of the door. "Keep on whining like that and I'm not opening the door." I yell through the door "Alright I'll stop but the least  you could do is open the door cause I'm freezing my balls off out here." He whines even though he said he would stop.

I open the door and let him in. I then proceed to close lock the door. As I go to turn around I'm immediately tackled by Anthony. "Oof" Is the only noise coming out of my as the impact of his body falling on top of mine. He stops us from falling and we just stand there hugging knowing this is going to our last time being with each other for another — weeks because he was leaving for tour at 1 am

With his head in your neck his voice comes out muffled but you can still understand. " I can't believe I'm leaving you for — weeks"

" I know I'm going to miss you so much" I say on the verge of tears. "I'll call you every night I promise" he says finally lifting his head from your neck. " come on let's go to ur room I wanna cuddle"

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