Chapter one

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Text 📲
Anthony - heyyyy
Me - hey babes❤️ wat u doing ??
Anthony - just chillin' ... bored as hell
Me- lmao 😂 ur always bored
Anthony - ikr 🙄😂
Anthony- wbu?
Me - I'm just watching Netflix
Anthony- whatcha wacthin'
Me - stranger things it's so freaking sad I just can't anymore
Me- have you watched it yet
Anthony - no
Anthony - and before you start freaking out I just need to say I don't really have time for it with tour and all so I ya know have been putting it off
Me - it's literally like everything to me I seriously don't know what I'm about to do after
Anthony- how many episodes are there
Me - 8
Me - I'm on 7
Me- episode 8 is 1 hr and like 17 min
Anthony - damn r u serious
Me - yea and all the other episodes are 50 to like 55 minutes long each
Me - it's crazy
Anthony - I'm so bored rn
Anthony - can I come over
Anthony - ur house is bigger and close than mine to the airport and you have a car so you can drive me🤷🏼‍♂️??
Me - ok you can come over BUT only because I'm going to miss you when you're gone 😢
Anthony - k thx babes ima miss you sm
Anthony - I'll be over in like 20 min
Me - my parents aren't here🙈
Anthony - make 10 min

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