Alastor stared at him for a minute

I blush

"Can you not stare?"

He smirked

"So where are we-

To eat and see a friend.......

"Yeah finally we're going to get some food wait what friend?"

You'll see....

I don't know where this is going.


We appeared in the dark alley it looked completely deserted.

"I thought you said we were going to the restaurant?"

Patients my dear....

"Don't call me that", my face was red, " it makes it sound like we are dating and I don't even know how old you are....."

He smirked darkly and a hand slithered around my waist I felt shivers down my spine.

Maybe we are ,you are my experiment after all~

now I was incredibly scared I no longer felt the warmth coming from him before.

He chuckled and let go of me. He opened a door to our house which Was completely covered so that no sunlight would come in.I had no choice but to go in Who knows what he would've done to me.

It was a bar or something people wearing black and blue were there.


"These people aren't human right?"

He looked at me and smiled

Are you smarter than you look.......

"What's that supposed to mean?!", I pouted.

"What can I do my Lord?"

A table for three.....

"Hmm...... Who is this cute little young man?"

Are all the people here going to be just like Alastor?

Better watch what you're thinking little one.....

Oh crap I forgot he could do that!

This is one of my fragile experiment......

"AmIjustanexperimenttoyou?", I said quickly under my breath.

Did you say something?


He raised an eyebrow.

"You're table is this way my lord"

We went to our respective table. There was someone already wait there.
A man with black robes on.

I didn't know if I could trust the rumors so I do see for myself. So you were finally awakened.

He then looked at me.

You even brought one of your lab rats with you....

He isn't a lab rat he's one of my frail experiments the reason I awakened....

Oh then my apologies my name is Joseph...

"Charmed , my name valt aoi..."

My , my this one has manners.....

Yes he does

Before I knew what was happening The music began playing and Joseph grab my hand and juster that we dance. I heard Alastor growled.

Come now Alastor you know that you can't keep him all to yourself isn't that a bit selfish ?

You know that I don't like sharing Joseph especially what is mine.....

I blushed Alastor thinks I am his?

Me and Joseph walk to the dance floor. He grabbed my hand and waste and dancing.

The whole time I could feel The eyes of another One us.

I've never seen him so jealous.....

He's jealous oh. The party music ended and the couples dance began.

Oh my If I dance with you in the couple dance Then Alastor Will have my head I think he should lead you on this one good luck.

Wait what me and him dancing as a couple?!

I see Alastor walking to words mean asking my hand I agree. As we dance to the soft music.

Did Joseph say anything in particular to you?


Very well

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