Day 18

10 1 1

Post thirty facts about yourself. Oh boy this is going to be long. I may not have all thirty facts but I'm at least doing this

1. I am 1X years old

2. I am Pansexual and nonbinary, but I do lean towards the masculine side

3. I believe in spirits and demons and all that stuff

4. I have sprained my ankle when I was around 3 or 4

5. My parents did split up, you know what I mean

6. I have 2 half siblings and one other sibling that I'm not related to but I still call them my sibling

7. I self diagnosed myself with depression and insomnia

8. I hear voices in my head from time to time, I can't tell if it's something paranormal or just me going crazy

9. I am dating someone

10. I do work with my mom from time to time

11. I have glasses, even though I have normal vision

12. I can become very violent in the snap of a finger

13. I am a pyromaniac

14. I love animation! I respect those who chose to take the time to make each frame perfect

15. I also love anime. I call myself a weeb

16. I am a sadist, meaning I take pleasure from my pain

17. To be honest, I hate eggs. Well not hate them I just, prefer not to eat them

18. I call myself overweight but I know I'm not, but the voices won't stop saying that

19. I like watching Kitchen Nightmares, To Hell and Back, Hell's Kitchen. Basically I like to watch dramatic cooking shows

20. I can make some really good food, I just don't cook that often

21. I have the strongest stomach and the weakest stomach at the same time

22. I do take medication, and I tried to OD one time

23. I hide everything, my emotions, my problems, everything

24. Self harming is my therapy

25. When you meet me in real life, I look high

26. I have two cats, Ozzy and Zeno

27. When I do sleep, I sleep like a rock

28. I really like to sing, but when I do I sound like a dying rat

29. I LOVE to read and write, that's why I'm here!

30. I like to draw, but I suck at drawing

That took forever!


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