June 16, 1965

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    The next morning the girls woke up in excruciating pain, and the blaring hot sun shining on their tired faces.
    The girls were lost. In the middle of no where. And all alone. Maddison, and Kaylie had been slit up.
    It took the girls several days to find each other. It was June 23, 1965 when the girls reunited. They had decided to make a plan.
    "Okay. So Kaylie, what we're gonna do is build a fire, a fort for us to sleep, and then we will go look for food," Maddison said.
"And since we have no idea where we are, we will have to wait for someone to come and  save us. So, in that  case we will needlotsof food and water," Said Kaylie.
                      Maddison (POV):
    As the girls split up to go find firewood, branches, and leaves, Maddison decided she wasnt going to wait for anyone to come and  save her. for it would take years for someone to find them.
    Maddison was walking down the beach when she saw it. She saw a trail of metal shards, and figured there would be something there that she could use to make a raft. She followed the trail of debris, only to find the cruise ship they had borded only yesterday.
                        Kaylie (POV) :
    As she was looking for branches, and leaves for their fort, she heard the snapping of twigs, lying in the forest floor. She thought it was the sound of her own footsteps, so she paused. The cracking, and snapping continued. She began to run, as the cracking git louder, and faster. Then silence. The sound of low growls got her attention, causeing her to bolt. As she tried to get away from whatever was chasing her she stepped down hard, and screamed, her foot throbbing in pain. She pulled a shard of glass out of her foot.
                   Maddison (POV) :
    She started gathering materials that she could use for the raft she was going to build, and piled it all on a big piece of metal almost in the shape of a bowl.
    She set off back to camp, and on her way there she grabbed some firewood. When she mad with back to camp kaylie wasn't back yet. So she waited. After hours of endless waiting, Maddison decided to go and search for her best friend. Following Kaylie's trail, she called for her, "Kaylie! " But there was no reply. She continued to follow the trail. Moments later, she hears a scream.
"HELP! "
Maddison ran to where the voice was coming from, and found Kaylie lying on the ground, crying for help.
    Maddison sou d some wood, and leaves, and made a bed to pull Kaylie back to camp, on.
    When they finally made it to camp it was dark. Maddison quickly started a fire, and built a shelter. After helping Kaylie get to bed, she Snook off, to start building her raft.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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