Chapter 8: Call me over📓✏️

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As time rolled by, bendy had strived with nerve. He was anxious about the first day of school. Normally you would be scared and then when you get there you would make friends and find your place, but bendy couldn't help but be shy. He had watched a chick flick called "mean girls" and thought about the possibilities of other girls and guys at the school.


One more day and I'm out of here and working my ass off at school! I started to watch YouTube tutorials and honestly, they were very interesting and inspirational. Trust me, I've been nervous about things in the ink place but this? This was a new beginning with the open world! Sure we had Sammy's house and started to live there as humans, but I'll be interacting with people who are used to this kind of stuff. 
(Just a quick word, bendy's age is not canon obvi so I'm going to start him off in eighth grade. I know some of you might've wanted him in hs but I feel like I want to develop him just a little bit more!) 
•~Time Skip!~•
Outside POV
As Bendy stepped on the 4 steps of his middle school, he felt nervous. He didn't know how anyone was going to react to a....strange human. He probably would never get a chance like this if he had gotten older anyway, so it's better to get it over with now.

Back to Bendy's POV <3

I was about to see what it's like! I'm so nervous.

I opened the doors in a rush to see that I already had made a mistake. Everyone continued to stare, wide eyed. What was wrong? Did I make a mistake on the first day???? No that wasn't it, they weren't looking at me. I stared back behind me and saw a small girl. Her eyes were blue. She wore a grey hoodie and dark jeans. Her hair was blond, cut short. She pushed her way through the crowd as everyone soon seemed to whisper rumors and things they had heard about her. This wasn't what I was expecting. To walk in and to my mistake, they are looking at her. She looked like she never got sleep. 

I walk to the first class I had and sat at an empty desk. I saw someone familiar looking at me. Normally, I don't see different people out, so I wouldn't say anything. My urges got the best of me. "Hey? Need something?" I asked them. They turned back to see who had said that after quickly jolting their head to their notebook. " you?" they asked. I honestly couldn't tell if they were a male or female, but they surely look masculine and feminine mixed. "No. What's your name?" I asked, hoping I could decipher a gender from it. 

"Uhmmm," they looked in slight terror, maybe trying to make up a name. "Sarah..." They responded. She looked at me, basically asking if I believed it. I decided to just roll with it and smile. "Oh, nice name! I'm new here, that's why I probably look different." I explained to the girl. She honestly reminded me of Sammy in a way. They way her eyes glimmered in the sunlight (of the window) and how she smiled. "Uh-huh.." She spoke. Maybe this girl wasn't good at talking. Maybe I could have just humiliated myself. She moved seats to the back of the class. She started to write something in her notebook. I didn't want to ask what it was because I felt maybe she would have hated me for that. I wasn't in the mood to be hated. 

Class had started, getting more boring the way it continued. "One minute," I thought. *Ring* 

~time skip to lunch brought to you by Death The Kid~

I started walking towards the lunch line. The food was different. "What is that?" I asked the person beside me. "It's pizza. It's what we eat every day." He said. Damn. Rude much? He turned away and started laughing and whispering with his friends. Maybe I wasn't cut out for this whole "friend" thing. I guess ill try one more time, giving as I don't know anything that's going on. "Hey how do you get lun-" "ARE YOU NEW HERE? DO YOU NEED A SCHEDULE? ARE YOU IN NEED OF MY ASSISTANCE?!?!?!?" The girl I tried to talk to yelled. "uhm, I am new here but I don't need a schedule. I just need help with lunch and stuff I guess." I spoke quietly as she drew attention to us. Then, it seemed like a blink and that girl I saw earlier was gone. "Oh! Do you want to sit by me, Ray, and Ally? I know we're girls but, maybe we'll be your friends!" She excitedly spoke. "Ok!" I said. She showed me how to get my lunch and led me to the table. "Ok, so this is Ray," she said pointing at Ray. She waved and went back to eating her lunch. It was the girl. "Uhm, hello?? Are you there???" She asked waving at me. I realized I was staring so I immediately look away. "Anyways, this is Ally." "Oh hey! I heard you're new?" She asked me. "Yes...having trouble with friends, I've never been to school before." Of course, before I could stop myself that's what I said. "Oh, so you were homeschooled?" Ally asked eating her banana. "Uhhhhh yeah! Homeschool! I totally did that." I answered. It wasn't a lie, but I guess it counted as one. "Right! So where are you coming from?" She asked smirking at me. " house?" "Who else lives with you?" She wittily schemed. "Sammy." "Oh? And who is that?" She asked. This girl is psychotic. "He's my uh... Friend." "Where do your parents live?" Gah! I couldn't take lying to this girl anymore. (heads up to the readers who aren't really understanding or remembering the story, I'm about to summarize everything. Well, bendy is.) "UGH! Fine! I can't take this anymore. I have a secret, but you guys must promise not to tell anyone. I am an ink monster. I was a drawing named bendy a long time ago by this nice dude named Henry. He started to raise me and star me in a show called Bendy and the Ink Machine. A little while after, he suddenly disappeared. Sammy had taken me in, being like a parent figure at the ink machine. At first, he started to annoy me and literally stalk me 24/7, but I think I have fallen in love with him.... He took me to his house and started to teach me human things. I also have friends named Alice and Boris. They turned me into a human and same as them. And now....I'm here!" I explained. 

The girl I saw earlier was there, about to go sit somewhere else, but my story had stopped her. Sarah. "Hey Sarah!" Ally yelled and waved. "Want to come sit with us for a change?" she asked. "uh...." she looked at me and then sighed. "I guess." She spoke and sat by Ally.

To be continued~~~~

Hey guys! It's Tailie. So I have been working the past two school days on this and I LOVE how it turned out. Thanks for reading my book! This chapter was longer than others, only to show some character development and things. Anyways. Cya!!!


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