Levi x chubby! Reader

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You join the survey corp to kill all the titans you can to avenge the deceased. But you soon realize that you might not be fit enough for this job.
Y/n Pov
I've been training for hours now, I feel like I have to train for more because I know I'm not fit enough to train the same hours as the rest of the team. My mind starts to wonder as I'm punching the and bag why did I think I'm ok to join the survey corp I'm fat and I can't keep up with the rest of the team went we're out on the field I punched the sandbag harder as I got angrier with myself. I hit it again again again and again and let out an angry scream and hit it one last time. I looked at my blood hands that looked broken kind of.

(⚠️⚠️graphic picture sorry if you don't like it⚠️⚠️)

As the blood ran down my hands I started to cry, thinking

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As the blood ran down my hands I started to cry, thinking.
I'm so useless I benefit nothing for the team I don't help I just get in the way I should just d... my thoughts were cut off by a door slamming. I quickly snapped my head to the noise that startled me it is Levi. Why is he here? I thought. He stormed over to me angrily and yelled: " oi brat do you know some people need too sleep unlike you what are you doing train this late or early anyway?"
" I was just t- trying to get more exercise to b-be more fit so I-I don't drag anyone d-down when we're o-on the field, corporal," I said stuttering trying to hide my tears but that didn't work. "Cadet l/n have you been crying?" Levi said with a concerned tone " I'm f-fine corporal " I said sniffing I felt like I was off the hook but then he looked at my hands. " what were you doing cadet? Come to my office I will patch you up while you tell me what happened" he said with a loving hint in his voice and a sweet smile no one would never see in him. " o-oh okay " he took my hand and carefully guided me to his office in the halls you could probably hear a pin drop it was so quiet. We made it to the office it was nice and neat that had a decent size desk in the back of it. It had some stacks of paperwork and some files that probably had some names of the new recruits. Around the room were wooden book selfs full to the top of the book that Levi has probably read all of them. As we walk to the desk he pulled out a chair a motioned me to sit down so I did, Levi left the room to get a first aid kit but came back a minute later and sat down in the chair in front of me. He slowly and carefully took my hand and started to clean it. I hist in pain " why did you do this?" Levi said as he softly dabbed the cuts and bruises on my knuckles. " umm I was just training with the sandbag to work on my attacks" I said
" that was what you were doing but why were you crying? Do you know you can talk to me? Right?" He said this was the sweetest I have ever heard Levi speak to anyone " yeah I know well I was just thinking that all I do for the team is weigh everyone down or maybe one day on the Titans will eat me and no one will care because I have done nothing for the team or help anyone at all" I said starting to tear up " and all my family will be disappointed in me I just wish that I was like Sasha or Mikasa there are so much prettier and skinnier than me and so many people like them,  and then there's just me fat, ugly y/n sat in the corner on her own stuffing her face " I said sighing " you don't have to be like them I love you just the way you are" Levi said softly " wait  y-you love me " I stuttered " of course brat I have always loved you " He said giving you a sweet kiss on the head " I love you Levi

       "I love you too y/n "

I'm so sorry that was a really bad ending uggg sorry I'm so bad at writing story's

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