Part 7

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After that you came down from the wheel and because the mood wasn't that good anymore the boy brought you home.

I.N called Felix and told him to go to you because they were worried that you would do something. Felix got immediately to you and because the door wasn't locked he got in and saw you sitting on your bed with your head down looking at your hands.

F: Heyy.. so how come that you remembered something without me huh.. should I get jealous?

He tried to make you feel better, but it didn't worked because all you could think about was your brother

Y/N: I have a brother and I didn't even knew about it...

F: It's not your fault, remember you lost your memorys so how could you know..

Y/N: I could knew it if I just had looked for the KD person..

F: KD?

Y/N: Yeah ..when I woke up after my accident some person left me money, my ID and a letter with a name KD. So I knew it that someone knew a lot about me and probably cared about me but I just ignored and leted go..

F: How do you know that, that KD is your brother it could be someone else

Y/N: No it is him I know it... he told me that I'm all he has and that I'm really important to him... and what did I did... nothing... I'm really a bad person..

F: Don't say that, you are not a bad person. And if you were so important to him why did he left you alone

Y/N: I don't know. Maybe he had his own reason...

You wanted to cry but you just couldn't.

Y/N: I'm tired, I want to sleep

F: Okey I will leave you alone.. sle-

Y/N: No stay with me, I don't want to be alone...

Felix laid beside you and hugged you. You fell asleep in his arms.

Next morning as Felix woke up, you weren't there. He went down to look for you and saw you all dressed

 He went down to look for you and saw you all dressed

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F: Where are you going?

Y/N: I'll be right back and then I will tell you everything. Bye

As you came back you saw Felix making something to eat.

Y/N: Yay finally something not burnt

You both started to laugh. And as Felix placed the food

F: So will you tell me now where you been?

Y/N: At the police office.

F: What? Why I didn't do anything bad

Y/N: Not because of you idiot. I want to find my brother..

F: Are you sure you want to find him? I mean I understand that you want to know him but maybe thats not the best idea.

Y/N: Yes it is. Those past years I felt so lost like there was a whole in my life but now I know why I still feel so lost, that because not knowing that myself, I missed him..

F: Fine, if you will feel better then I will help you. But you need for that to remember stuff about him.

Y/N: Yeah I know. And we will do everything to make my memories come back.

Felix eyes widen

F: Everything?...

Y/N: Not in that way, you pervert. Gosh and why am I dating you

Felix came close to you and kissed your cheek

F: Because I'm handsome, cute, funny and because we like each other.

You only smiled on his behavior and started eating.

Lost Inside × Stray Kids Felix ffWhere stories live. Discover now