Part 4

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You couldn't sleep and because of what happened today you remembered how you woke up in the hospital not knowing anything.

Flash back:

You opend your eyes and saw a white room and a man standing beside you, it was the doctor.

You opend your eyes and saw a white room and a man standing beside you, it was the doctor

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D: Hi how are you feeling?

Y/N: My head hurts.. Where am I?

D: You are at the hospital, you had an accident and sorry to tell you that but you lost your memories.

Y/N: What???

D: Don't worry everything will be alright, a boy that brought you here left a bag for you and he told me to tell you that everything you need know right now is in that bag.

You looked at the bag and after some thinking you took it

D: I will leave you alone now, if you need something just press the button.

Y/N: Mhm.. I will.

When you opened the bag your eyes widen. The bag was full of money and one not so big box. You opened the box and you saw a letter and a ID card, the ID card was yours.

Y/N: So my name is... Kang Y/N. Hm..

You took the letter and started to read

*I left you some money to help you to get on your feet, buy a nice house and go to a good school, and I also left your ID card that you would know at least who you are. Y/N live this time a life that you want. KD.*

End of the flash back.

Next morning you were about to get up but your head... it felt like a 1000 bricks fell on your head. You only took some medicine and went back to sleep.

As you woke up the pain was still there, but you still got up, got ready and went to see the doctor.

At the hospital:

You went to the same doctor who was beside you when you woke up after the memory loss.
You told him about your headache and he did some tests.

Y/N: So did you found something?

D: No.. I think there is another problem..

Y/N: What do you mean?

D: Your memories, did they come back?

Y/N: No... not yet... but yesterday I remembered two things.

D: What was it?

Y/N: I don't know for sure but it felt like a nightmare... Tell me, when the boy brought me here how did I looked, I mean were my clothes wet?

D: Yeah... kinda, how did you know?

Y/N: I think I remembered a bit how I lost my memories.

D: Can you tell me?

Y/N: I think I drowned, I saw how I was unter the water...

D: I think your headache is because of the memories, maybe because they are not that good you get really shocked and to much stressed and things like this isn't good for you. If you remember something else, drink some water and lay down a little, and do not overthink about stuff.

Y/N: Alright, I will try. Thank you Seok Jin.

D: Ya, Y/N I'm at work, call me properly! Or the next time you can go shopping alone.

Y/N: Okay DOCTOR, see you next time.

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