Runaway Bride (Presston)

Start from the beginning

"It's good that you are here" Beata said.

"Yeah, nice to be back" Christen replied.

"You remember Swedish, ja?" Beata asked. Christen nods her head.

"I vaguely remember, yeah" Christen replied.

Well then, let's go then shall we" Beata said, the two women left the airport.


"Julie, hello? I'm here. where are you?" The voice of Stephanie McCaffrey spoke up in Julie's home. Steph found Julie on the floor in the living room.

"She's gone Steph" Julie said. Steph looked at the young women and smiles a little.

"I know bud, I know. I was the exact same when I found out that Kristie left me but, I eventually got over it" Steph said.

"Yes but this is different" Julie said with confliction.

"How is it? What's up Jules?" Steph said. Julie got off the floor and wiped her face. She let out the breath she held back.

"I kinda, sorta like um-" " You like Christen?" Steph interrupted her. Julie let out a half-hearted chuckle.

"No, I don't. I love Zach" Julie said defensively. Steph huffed in amusement.

"Yeah, it's like saying that I never had feelings for Kristie" Julie looked down. "OMG, you like Press?" Julie's eyes widen and slapped her hand over Steph's mouth.

"Shut it. maybe I do, maybe I don't. I don't know what I'm feeling right now. I mean, I'm marrying Zach, but I don't even love him. What am I going to do?" Julie put her hands onto her head and looked down.

"Well, go with what your heart says. What does your heart say to your decision?" Steph asked she put her hand onto Julie's shoulder in comfort.

"Marrying Zach is like marring my best friend. I do love Christen but my parents won't agree with my decision to be with a woman. If I got with my head I will lose Christen but if I go with my heart I will lose my parents" Steph looked at the blonde woman and smiled.

"Well then, go with what your heart says, your parents will come around eventually but losing Christen will hurt you more. I know, I missed my time with Kristie, now she's with Rachel and I messed it all with her. What I'm trying to say is that you should be with someone you love and not care what people think about it" Julie looked at Steph and sighed. she sat down onto the couch.

"She's gone Steph, all the way to Sweden" Steph sighed out of aggravation.

"OMG, you are so unbelievable. she did not leave because of the NWSL, well she did but she mainly left because of you" Steph said, Julie frowned.

"Why is it my fault?" Julie said, offended by what Steph said. 'It's all my fault?' Julie was conflicted with emotion.

"She is so in love with you, she waited till the end of the season just so she could move teams but the NWSL put her in a team she didn't want to go to, she felt like she was pinning over your engagement so she left just so you can be happy" Steph explained. Julie was dumb-founded.

"Christen likes me back?" Julie said, barely above a whisper.

"What was that sorry?" Steph asked.

"Nothing" Julie said 'Christen likes me!" Julie thought in her head. Hearing this made her weirdly excited.


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