Broken (Leah Williamson

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Hello all, it's currently 3am and I've finally finished the chapter. I know its not long but i wanted to finish it with something happy. I hope you like it. Thanks again for taking your time to read this. It means a lot to me.

- Arsenalwomenfan


Warning: Abusive relationship

She broke down crying, wondering how she missed all of the rough touches. The bruises afterwards, the marks left on her bidy permanently after an argument, all the anger that was projected to her. All of the hateful words, all of the ‘I love you’ without a care in his voice. How did she miss all of it? How did the miss the fact that all of this was breaking her to forgetting who she was? How can one person make her feel so much and nothing at all at the same time as she watched him go without looking back. Her world crumble as the door slams shut, the last of her heart was stolen in that moment. She wondered how she can be fixed when all she wanted was that one person who only brought her pain. And she looked on without thinking about anyone else but them. Falling into the arms of her best friend as they console her and wiped her eyes that have turned red due to the amount of tears that have fallen.

They stared lovingly at her, knowing the situation that she was in all too well. Blue eyes staring back at their friend with more emotion that she didn’t know how to handle. Things kept playing in her mind, the first time they met was when she first had an argument with him, the first time she really saw them and she didn’t know what to say to them. They could clearly see that something wasn’t right, so from the start they vowed to look after her and make sure she was safe; what they didn’t expect was to fall of her. They didn’t want to say anything because of the boyfriend so they kept it to themselves. They was there every time something happened which really annoyed her boyfriend and ended up with the couple arguing, to eventually her finding out that he was seeing one of her teammate behind her back.

“Leah, please look at me" blank eyes bored into green ones. “I know you love him but he’s not worth an ounce of your love. I got you and I’m here whenever you need me” they said kissing Leah on the cheek. Leah blushed softly before remembering how it felt when he did that, rough lips couldn’t compare to the soft one they have. They cared more than she knew. If only they could tell her how they felt.

“Thank you for always making me feel safe and for putting up with everything that I go through; if it wasn’t for you I don’t know where I would be" Leah said, hugging them, a stray tear falling down her face. They unconsciously wiped it away and caressed her cheek. It felt at that moment that it was only the two of them there, like there was no one else in the world.

That night the pair were sleeping on the same bed, their arm wrapped securely around Leah as she slept. Leah’s face nestled into their neck as soft snores was the only thing they could hear, it was music to their ears. But as the night went on so did Leah’s dream and her heart accelerated, low moans emitted from her mouth. She starts to sweat. They were there for her, her eyes widen as she gasps for air. They looked at her, tightening their grip on Leah.

“Hey, hey. I’m here, it was just a dream” they said, raising their hand to softly caress the blondes cheek.

“There was blood everywhere. He - he" Leah couldn’t finish her sentence without breaking down with tears once again. They hushed her, trying to console her. Trying to keep her from reliving what happened.

“It’s okay, I’m here baby girl. I’m here. He’s not here, it’s only me love" they said softly in her ear. Leah calmed down as their voice lulled her back to sleep this time dreaming about them.


It’s been a week since the breakup happened and Leah was slowly recovering from it. Unfortunately it ended up with Leah in someone’s bed, as a rebound. She wanted to feel love but never thought she would end up in some women’s bed; she didn’t know her. As she tried to walk away to forget what she did the women woke up.

“Thanks for that, I really needed that. I hope there was no hard feelings in it but I haven’t long come out of a serious relationship and I needed something to take my mind off it" the woman spoke. Leah felt some sort of relief when she said it; it was just sex with no strings attached.

“It’s okay, I’ve not long come out if one myself and I needed to I don’t know. I needed to forget him" she said. The women smiled an understanding between the two.

“There is a nice café not far from here if you want to talk about it?” Leah nods. So they got ready and head to the café. The conversation started nice and they explained eachothers situation to one another. Leah smiled, maybe sex was a great way to find new friends?

“I never got your name. I’m Leah” she held her hand out.

“Jordan” they shook hands.


A month went by, she slowly realised that he wasn’t coming back to hurt her, he wasn’t coming back to tantalise her, to manipulate her to love him. Slowly realising that the relationship wasn’t love, it was the exact opposite of healthy. Her heart was mending and that was okay. She didn’t miss him at all – well maybe towards the start but she doesn’t anymore. She doesn’t miss the rough touches, or the bruises or all of the anger or the hateful words directed at her. Or the ‘I love you' he never meant. They were there every time for her. Their soft touches, the kissing to each healing wound on her body that he made, the light caresses on her cheek. She didn’t realise just how much they meant to her and how they felt. She didn’t realise that she was falling for them until she looked at how soft their eyes are when they see her, the feel of their fingers on her face, the light laugh when she did something they thought was funny. She didn’t realise just how mesmerising their green eyes were. She wanted to taste their lips so she did. She stared into their eyes. They smiled.

“What is there something on my face?” they asked. She looked at her lips.

“Yeah, let me just” she leaned in, the smell of their favourite spray filled her lungs – soon becoming her favourite as she closed her eyes and captured soft lips within her own. Hands snaked around her body as hers makes there was around their neck as they deepen the kiss. After a few seconds she pulled back. “I got it" she said, smirking.

“Oh yeah? I think you may need to fix it a bit more" they said before recapturing her lips. Never in a million years did they ever think Leah would love them back but they were wrong it seems. In the end, Leah had the perfect person all along in the form of her best friend.

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