Tentacool, Tentacrule and Maidens Peak

Start from the beginning

When we get outside we go back to Pikachu and the two Horsea who are in a pool with a super potion to help make them feel better. Along the way Misty starts to explain why she loves Tentacool so much. They dont bother to ask me or they would either get shouted/ranted at or I would give them one look that they back away from instantly. I am scary when I am angry.

"Say didn't that picture it look like a Tentacool." Ash said. They had obviously forgot what I told them.

They chatted for a little while longer but we were interrupted by the speakers going off. "Citizens of Porta Vista!! Effective immediately I am recruiting volunteers to exterminate the Tentacool, terrorizing our town!! I will award 1 million coins to whoever can exterminate the Tentacool. Isn't Nastins generous!!"

"Ugh. She will do anything to get rid of them an unfortunately many people can be easily swayed by money." I say as many people flock to one part of the town. I get brand new waves of anger and I follow and people give me a wide birth.

At the back of the crowd I use my Psychic to levitate myself as Nastina keeps taking, adding fuel to the fire which is my wrath.

"ENOUGH!!" I shout and everyone instantly quotes down. I lane on the tank next to Nastina. "The Tentacool are only trying to protect their home!! The part of the ocean this witch," I point to Nastina. "Is building in is the place they live with their friends and family! If your home was getting destroyed to build something on top of it you would fight for your home wouldn't you???!! The Tentacool are just doing the same thing that any of us would!! They are just like any of us. They can be kind and compassionate creatures but will fight back if provoked!" The looks on peoples faces is guilty.

"Look at yourselves!! You are trying to murder defenceless creatures that are just trying to protect something they care about. AND FOR WHAT!!!?? MONEY!!!? It's discussing!!" I say and Team Rocket begin their little song and dance but I interrupt them, a dark purple aura now around me. "You even think about continuing that and start saying things about this Team Rocket and I promise it will not end well for you." This gets them to back off.

People start talking amongst themselves and nodding at my words. Soon everyone is protesting against it. The council who had been watching since the beginning come to an agreement that no one is going to build on the ocean because it causes problems for everyone and it is to protect the natural environment.

It was somehow also decided that I would be the one to go and inform the Tentacool that their land/ocean would not be destroyed again and if anyone trys they would be facing serious charges. Thay also have permission to destroy the hotel that is in the ocean with them and i promise to bring back all the pieces to recycle them and the money will go to the community.

Nastina was not very happy about this and tryed to protest insulting the poor pokemon. Angering me to the point of snapping. Everyone took a few steps away from me when they noticed that I am glowing purple and my furious expression. "I have had enough of you!!" I shout and using Psychic I throw the pathetic excuse of a human being a very long way towards some type of family member to ensure that if she is hurt someone who actually cares for her is there and they will help her. I may be cruel and cold when angry but not heartless like that she-devil.

Everyone gathers around as I call out Nessie, who is now fully rested, and we go over to the resort with a white flag. "I have come to talk Tentacool and tell you the great news." They begin to rise up out of the water and all look at me but I don't flinch. "The council and public have all come together to stop Natina and her building this stupid thing." I say throwing some Psychic energy at the building and any bits that fly off I catch at the same time. "You have permission to destroy it but be careful because it could hurt. Anything that comes off I have been asked to collect so it doesn't pollute the area and will be sold off to other places and that money will go to helping the community. Anybody found to be disturbing your area is not going to be tolerated and will be put to justice. You are free to start destroying."

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