A rebel, a nurse, the cute one and the dreamer

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It took some weeks till Venus could finally took some steps alone on her feet again. At first she was very shaky and felt down many times. But she refused to gave up. The other turtles saw her as an equal family member and she didn't want to disappoint them. With Larotas help she surpassed Gaotos expectations about her healing process. Everything was great if there wasn't her test results. After regular replications one value didn't change to good.

"What's on your mind, Gao?" Hopu came over to him and hugged him from behind.

"I don't know how long she would live. It could be a week or a month before her body starts to work against her. With luck some years, but when we didn't find out how to cure it than she would definitely die because of this illness. The only reason that she is still alive is the insecure mutagen in her that reface some of her infected cells." Gaotos gaze laid sad on the results. He went out of the hug. Spinning around and wrapped his arms around his love.

"Don't worry Gaoto. You're one of the best. You will find a way to cure her." Hopu placed a hand on his cheek. Looking at him smiling. Placing a kiss on it.

"But mutagen is none of my areas of expertise." Gaoto sighed. He leaned in to kiss her. They lips touched. After the kiss their both smiling at each other.

"Neither mine, but maybe we can solve this mystery together." Hopu snuggled up to him. They stood there for a while.

All the girls knelt beside each other. They didn't talk even if some of them had questions. Sensei didn't showed up yet, but he had some gifts for the girls.

The adults just knelt to the sides of the dojo. Gaoto and Chichinama on the on side. Sauda and Hopu on the other side.

"When YOU told ME Larota bring back a TURTLE I thought a PET NOT A MUTANT!" Chichinama tried to whisper to Gaoto, but she was still angry.

"Why are you annoyed? She already stole your heart and if not it would be difficult to separate her from Larota, because she already declared her as her sister." Gaoto whispered back. Not wanting the girls to hear him.

"And one turtle more or less doesn't make a difference." Hopu smiled. Glad that Larota found a friend on her own.

"When the turtles happy with the situation than I am." Sauda made faces at Amoly to get her more comfortable and get rid of his boredom.

"Shizukesa!" Master Furuji entered the dojo and gave each of his children and Hopu the gifts for his turtle students. Then he sat down in front of the mutants.

"The next level for two of you will began today." Furuji looked first at Larota and then at Venus.

"Larota you showed me the that even someone who hate the world around her still can care for a stranger. The Kama choose you. A deadly weapon for an enemy, but just a warning to a friend we didn't have recognize yet." Chichinama stood up and gave them to her. Larota grinned. Her weapons was similar to her aunts Banrai.

"And our new member Venus showed me that limits are just in our imagination and that they couldn't stop us. The Tessen is for you. The weapon for those who believe in the possible even if it seems impossible." Venus smiled proudly when Hopu gave her the tessens. She looked at Larota who wasn't jealous as aspected.

"I know that you two aren't old enough for your weapons, but I want the meaning of them shared with you too." His gaze went from Talena to Amoly.

"Talena even at your young age you have a really expressive collection of knowledge. The Chigiriki suits you better than the Bo-Staff. The weapon for fighters who need to keep their opponent on distant." Talena looked curious at the weapon that Gaoto gave her. At first she didn't understand what was different, but when the chain felt off the staff she noticed.

"And last but not least Amoly our sunshine that shines bright even in the darkest times and infect the ones around her. The Manriki and you are just meant to be. A simply weapon for a complex personality."  Amoly hugged Saudas leg at excitement and thankfulness. With an heavy heart he didn't resist at all, but didn't hugged her back.

"May the weapons helping you with the training of ninjutsu." Master Furuji graped the weapons from the two youngest and bowed in front of them. The four turtles bowed back. After Sensei left the room Venus and Larota high-three each other. As long they had each other they would pass any test Sensei would have for them.

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