We made it to the ammo crates and I opened one of the boxes to reveal sniper bullets. "There they are." I muttered to myself and picked up a small box of them. I grabbed another box for my M1928 and Aiello grabbed some ammo for his guns too.
I shoved the boxes in my pockets and began walking back but Aiello stopped me. "Do you wanna go somewhere? It's not late yet. No one will care." I nodded in response and let him lead the way this time. I followed him to a little tent that was made for keeping watch. But no one was going to be needing to use this for a while.

We both sat down and watched the leaves slowly fall from the trees. "What was that letter about then?" He asked me, a hint of curiosity laced in his voice. I gave him a small smile and turned back to the trees. "My family are okay." I simply replied. He nodded his head and pulled out a cigarette from his box. "Want one?" He asked me and I nodded. I had left mine at the tent. He lit it for me and watched as I blew smoke from my parted lips.


Aiello and I were still sat at this tent, talking about anything that we could think of.

"So, do you have someone at home waiting for ya?" I asked him, my brow raised but he chuckled. "Just my ma and my Nonna." He replied and I couldn't help but smile. "That's cute." I told him and watched him shift a little closer to me. "Yeah. I don't have a girl back home." He said and gave me a toothy grin. I widened my eyes in surprise, "Really?" I asked him and he nodded his head. His trademark smirk crept on to his lips. "What you trying to say?" He taunted me playfully and I could feel my cheeks heat up slightly. "N-no! I was j-just a little shocked." I told him the truth and tried to avoid his gaze.

I mentally cursed myself for blushing. I knew he would try and do this to me. And it fucking worked!

"Heidi..." I instantly snapped out of my thoughts once I heard my name escape his lips. I turned my head to look at him, he had a soft smile on his face. I gave a shy one in return and watched his hand reach to me, brushing the loose stands of hair from my face. My chocolate coloured eyes met his and my heart beat picked up the pace. Just as we leaned in, Turner called out to everyone. "First Platoon, rest up! Gather around and I will assign night guard duties!" He ordered, I stood up in response and Aiello did the same. I happened to notice the light pink shade on his cheeks.

We both made our way over to Turner, who was holding a clipboard in his hands. I looked over at Zussman who smirked at Aiello and I. "Aiello and Zussman, you will both take the first night watch." Turner ordered, "Daniels and Briggs will take the second night watch."

Once we were dismissed, I headed to the tent with Stiles and Daniels. Aiello was so close to kissing me! I even had a weird feeling in my stomach when I thought of it. "Green, you okay?" Daniels asked me and I raised my brows in confusion. "Of course I am. Why?" I asked in return and he chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Well you look a little... Flustered." Daniels explained and I laughed it off. "Oh it's probably because I'm a little stressed for tomorrow's mission. That's all..." I trailed off and hoped that Daniels wouldn't question any further.

"But, you didn't seem to be stressed earlier. Only since you've got back from your little trip with Aiello." Stiles piped in and I tried my best to deny everything they had to say. "Nah. To be honest, it was a quiet journey to go get some ammo." I stated, trying to shut him up.

"Anyway," I tried to change the subject. "I'm gonna rest up. You know, gonna try wash away the stress." Before they could say anything else, I got into my sleeping back. "Goodnight, guys." I said and listened to them both say 'Goodnight' before closing my eyes.

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