Someone is going to kidnapp me

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(Listen to this music after you have finished with the other one start this song when the scene starts.)

Lights go out music stops loud noises go wild fans scream lights come back on after 30 seconds

Luke: just a power cut everyone okaii

Calum: fine

Michael: fine

Fans: we're fine

'Luke turns around since ash didn't say anything'

Luke: ash,ash were are you

Mysterious Man comes out of know where you looking for ash

Mike: yeah have you seen him

Man: Calum you remember that story don't you

Cal: Yh, No your a kidnapper where is he and all the others

Man: somewhere

Mike: what's the story!?

Cal: the story was in the newspapers it was about a mysterious man who is abducting men/teen boys age 15+ from the concerts but their only abducting 1 person from a band which has been male and it looks like Ashton has just joined the list as number 12

Man: don't worry he's the last now I can start the next step

Luke: what step?....

Man: you'll find out

Luke: where's Ashton

Man: you know I'm magic I was born with special abilitys I can disappear when ever I feel like

(Thinks of Ashton in your head)

Cal: please let Ashton go

Man: even if I did I can come back for him anytime soon

Cal: please

Man: I'll let him go but I'll be back for him

Man disappears and Ashton is laying uncosious on the floor

Luke: is he okaii

Mike:he's okaii he's a bit shocked we need to get him to a hospital right away and then we'll think of a way to hide him.

Luke:good idea

Luke talks to fans

Luke: our concert has finished early but next time you get a free concert

'Some fans nod as other shout saying no'

Mike and cal help pick up uncosious ash and take him back stage.

Soon ambulance turns up he's taken to hospital soon he gets to come home he is then layed down on a bed until he wake's up

6 hours later

Ashton starts to wake up and open his eyes and get out of bed and walks down stairs

Luke: bro your awake how you feeling

Ash: fine I guess got this weird buzzing feeling but nothing serious what happened I feel like I collapsed.

Cal: you did

Ash: what where

Cal: a Man Tryed ab

Kidnapping band members/Ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now