A/N: Where have I been?

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Welp... it's been a while hasn't it?

Long story short I've had a fair few things going on and has taken my attention away from my fanfics and my lovely audience.

While I've been away I've been reading all your comments (responding when I can) and they never fail to brighten up my day, THANK YOU!!

Instead of a massive wall of text, the following is a list of what's happening past, present and future...

I hope you continue to stick with me!

1- My uni work has been increasing exponentially, and so has been taking away my focus the closer I move to third year as...

2- I have successfully passed second year! But have a fair amount of summer work to complete... and this is where my focus is lying during the beginning of the summer holidays.

3- During second year I've come to accept I'm a workaholic... which is actually a little hard to admit. It's come to my attention that if I'm not doing any important work, then I stress out and beat myself up for not doing it... sure I take breaks... but I'm either doing nothing, or working hard. Of course this means that hobbies, like writing fanfic, are put way far on the back-burner.

4- It's been a while since I've seen/watched any Detroit content and so I haven't quite got the ideas and knowledge I used to have when writing this book. That and I have a problem with 'fandom hopping' whether I want to or not, my brain can switch quite suddenly between fandoms and so I'll lose all focus from the previous one.

You might have to wait a little longer but I will be returning! I hope to begin my routine of writing on the bus again as a sort of de-stress from uni life... or writing before I go to bed like I used to quite often. I have a draft that is actually nearing completion from a while ago so that should be coming your way soon!!

Again thank you for sticking with me!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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