Chapter 2 ↬ Leaving home

Start from the beginning

You swallowed and shook your head as you said, "Y-you don't have to get me anything.." He slightly smiled and said, "But I want to. Please, tell me what you'd like." The sound of his deep, soft tone seemed so sweet and friendly. It was comforting. So you gave in, "May I have a hot chocolate.. p-please?" He nodded to you and responded with, "Yes, you may." Then turned and walked to the counter. You looked out the window and saw the snow was still gently falling and the sky became slightly darker. Your attention turned back over to Mark and you watched as the lady at the counter prepared the drinks and handed them to Mark. You quickly turned your head back towards the window, not wanting him to think you were staring at him.

Mark approached you and set a cup of steaming hot chocolate in front of you and gave a slight bow as he said in a soft tone, "Your hot chocolate, m'lady." You couldn't help but to smile. As Mark was sitting down across from you, you said, "Thank you." He smiled at you and took a sip of his coffee. You stared at the cup for a moment, watching the steam rise, and then reached out for it. Mark noticed that your hands were shaking as you reached for the cup and grabbed it. You pulled it up to your lips and slowly took a sip. You sighed as you pulled it away from your lips and set it down on the table.

The silence was broke by Mark, asking, "What's your name?"

You looked up at him and rubbed your arm while saying, "Oh.. I-I'm sorry. I'm (Y/n)."

Mark smiled at the sound of your voice and replied, "That's very pretty."

You blushed, pushing a strain of hair behind your ear. You turned towards the window trying to hide your blush and said softly, "T-thank you.."

He quietly chuckled to himself and took another sip of his coffee before asking, "May I ask why you were crying?"

After he said that, you felt a pinch at your heart and looked towards him. You responded with, "I-I... I would prefer if we didn't talk about it."

He nodded his head with eyes on his coffee and apologized, "Sorry.." You spoked out, trying to reassure him, "No, it's ok. It's nothing against you, I just-.." you cut yourself off, trying to think of something. He looked up at you, staring into your eyes waiting for something. You tried to come up with something but your mind clouded with thoughts of your father and you leaving home. Then your thoughts quickly switched over to your situation: if you stay out here, you'll freeze to death but if you go home, your father will beat you even more. Your face began to turn red and tears swelled up in your eyes. You turned away from Mark, trying to hide your face but he watched you with concern. But you couldn't hide it, the tears began rolling down your cheeks so you stood up and said to Mark, "E-excuse me.." and walked towards the exit of the café and stepped out into the cold. Mark instantly got up and called out to you, "Wait, (Y/n)! Hold on!" And followed you out the door.

You stood outside in front of the café, letting your tears fall as Mark approached you. He asked, "(Y/n), are you ok?" You wiped away the tears as you stared down at the pavement ground you stood on and replied quietly, "Yeah, I'm ok."

"Let me take you home," he offered.

You quickly looked at him and backed away from him and shouted, "No!" But not angrily, more like scared.

Mark held his hands up in defense and you relaxed and said to him, "I-I don't wanna go home." Mark dropped his hands as he noticed the tears going down your face and his brows upturned to show concern. He pondered for a moment, 'Why doesn't she want to go home? For whatever reason, it must be bad to affect her this much. What is she gonna do? She'll freeze if she stays out here? I can't let her die... Maybe I could offer her to stay with me. She does seem nice but she's obviously hurt and probably traumatized. Poor girl.. Well.. Here I go.'

"(Y/n)?" He said softly. You looked towards him as you wiped away your tears, waiting for whatever he was about to say. He made eye contact with you and inhaled before saying, "Do you want to come stay with me?" His voice has a hint of nervousness in it.

You stared into his eyes and he showed the same goofy smile he met you with. You thought to yourself for a moment, 'Staying with a stranger? I hardly know this guy but he's been so nice to me. He seems to.. care. Why would he care about me?... But what do I do? Go back to dad, freeze, or stay with Mark? There's no way in hell I'm going back to dad.' So you made your decision.

"Yes, please." You said to Mark with hope in your eyes. Your response caused him to smile.

He grabbed your hand which caused you to flinch but to your surprise, he was gentle. The feeling of such a delicate touch somewhat gave you butterflies and made you blush. Then you noticed you were being lead to his car. He opened up the passenger door for you and let go of your hand. You instantly missed his gentle touch, no one has ever touched you like that before. You got in his car and pulled the seat belt across your chest and lap, buckling yourself in. Mark shut your door and ran around his car to the driver side, getting in and buckling up. He started the car and turned up the heat, putting it in drive and the driving down the street.

End~ Chapter 2

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